Title: Foreshadowing
Characters: Nagi, Ken, Yohji
Words: 176
Prompt: "Wildly happy Nagi"
The staff at Kritiker had been well-trained to deal with just about everything life could throw at them. Evil orgainisation using children as genetic weapons? Not so much as a batted eyelid. This morning, however, the staff were peering around doorframes and picking their jaws off the floor.
Naoe Nagi was - well, there was only one word that fitted - skipping down the corridors, singing something those members of staff who'd spent time in America dimly remembered as the "Spoonful of Sugar" song. The normally dour young man was positively beaming as he paused to offer a cheerful "GOOD morning!" ...to the water cooler.
Two young men were watching his progress from the safety of their offices. "You do know he'll kill you, right?"
"It wasn't my fault!" The older one protested immediately, taking a nervous drag on his cigarette. "How was I supposed to know this would happen?"
"Yohji." Ken chided over his shoulder, watching as Nagi bowed deeply to a pretty sectary. "What did you expect? Those were Omi's pills you gave him."
Title: Petty little thing
Characters: Schuldig, Crawford, random girl.
Words: 141
Prompt: "Benevolent Schuldig"
The girl was sitting at the table, hands folded and a cup of tea cooling beside her. On the table lay a photograph of the girl in the arms of a smiling, handsome young man. She sniffled a little, ducking her head. An observer might note the bag at her feet and the pale band where a ring should be.
She sat there for nearly an hour, oddly unable to work up the will to leave.
As the cafe prepared for the lunch rush, the young man from the photo appears, running through the crowded streets and shouting a woman's name. The girl jumps, turns ...and they fall into each other's arms, kissing and crying. A dark-haired American brushes past them with a small smile and joins a redheaded man, arching an eyebrow.
The redhead smiles. "Nah, I'm on my teabreak."
Title: Craving.
Characters: Crawford, Schuldig
Words: 93
Prompt: "Unhappy Crawford"
Crawford was a precise man, one of the more obvious factors in his and his team's many successes. He liked to have things in their proper place and for schedules to be adhered to. He considered it a minor requirement, or at least, he had considered it a minor requirement until Schuldig moved in.
The red hair everywhere was bad. The suspious garlic-y parcels were worse. The David Hasselhof CDs were worse still. And he hadn't thought there was anything worse than the morris dancing.
Until now.
Title: Zap!
Characters: Farfarello
Words: 156
Prompt: "Inquistive Farfarello"
Farfarello was bored. He'd enjoyed the fight with Weiss and turning on Esset after solemly promising to do no such thing had probably made God cry for days but that had been weeks ago. Weeks spent shut up in a chalet with the other three. Scrabble, Uno, even the old favourite 'Risk' was starting to loose its appeal.
The Irish assasin thought wistfully of home...and the latest GAA season. He was pacing around in the basement when he saw the box. A bright yellow lightning bolt and some large German words made his fingers start to itch to see what was on the other side. He tore the box open and saw pretty, colourful wires...
It took Crawford and Nagi ten minutes to pry the singed figure out of the fuse box. Schuldig was upset and shouted a lot about the televison and his favourite show.
Farfarello smiled. He wasn't bored any more.