May 04, 2010 20:44
Just gave my LiveJournal a few changes, mostly in the journal's name and some of the icons. While "Walking with My Muse Under the Dusty Skies of Portland" was a lovely and poetic name, it ceased to be relevant ever since I graduated from college three years ago (exactly three years ago to this day, actually). I'm no longer in Portland and my Muse and I don't go on walks like we used to. Instead, I mostly sit at my desk, observing the world yet not acting in it. For all intents and purposes, I might as well be on Mars, with only my pen, my words, my viewport into the world, and the endless seas of red dust nearby (and, on occasion, an extremely introspective/emo Dr. Manhattan), and considering that I'll be moving out of the country in the near future, the metaphor only becomes more apt. Yet I'm not so powerless as it seems, for words and ideas are not limited by geography, and Mars is not as far away as it first appears to be.
I also plan to be more active on this journal, using it more as a forum for my thoughts, views, and opinions on just about anything and everything. Of course, this will also include potentially divisive topics, such as politics and religion, but the handful of you who might read my blog with some regularity (at least, with as much regularity as can be expected with my occasional and sporadic posts) probably know me well enough that it won't be so off-putting. Besides, I don't plan on talking too much on such uncomfortable topics, that would be far too depressing even for me.