Well, Faire for me is over for this year. I enjoyed it greatly, and my spanish troupe " Teatro de Espana" did a superb job with the show. Many thanks to the actors involved who not only had to memorize lines but also memorize the spanish lines also. I will continue to research Cervantes, and maybe dig up some not so famous stories that could make good shows for the Ren faire audience. Don Quixote is still on my wish list as a full production at faire, " but not till a favorable wind hits the sails" so to speak. Big productions need a large cast, logistical support mechanism, and more importantly, an audience. Our troupe needs to grow a little more, pull in more local talent, and the comunity needs to know we exist, and do shows at faire. Our goals are changing a bit, We know now that we can run a successful bilingual show, now the trick is to polish the show up, bring in some local talent, advertise our existence, and see if we cant have standing room only crowds at our show next year.
I think it was fitting to run across this statue in Golden Gate Park on my first weekend off from faire.
It says " Cervantes 1556 - 1612 "