Update: Minty's adventures in DN-land

Mar 21, 2007 20:15

In which minty digs up her old lj - used briefly a couple of years ago and forgotten about until now - to post random squeeings about Death Note, which she is currently somewhat obsessed with. (I doubt anyone is reading this, but if you are, feel free to squee too.)

I got hooked via the anime, and haven't read the manga beyond chapter 58 (because oh woe I am in mourning!!! hehee.)  In between the waits for new eps I've braved ffnet for fic (and have a few recs if anyone wants them), had my eyes burned by alarming doujinshi, and watched both halves of the movie. Which I liked, rather unexpectedly. It was altered quite a lot and usually I hate that; also, there were added stick-on female characters, and usually I hate that too, but I liked both the stick-on-girls and the massively altered ending. And yes, Matsuyama Kenichi is very very cute.  Not sure how much sense the plot would have made to anyone who wasn't already a fan, but yay, I do not have to care.


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