At everything. I got caught up for a bit, and then life happens and one gets completely uncaught up again. And by life I mean laziness. :) Although that laziness did lead to some procrastination, which led to some AWESOME Music Man promo pics I yanked from flickr/ebay, some great Captain Blood pics from the same place, and bidding on some Broadway stuff on ebay (how can I possibly wait 4 more days to find out if I won?! Yes, I finally get the appeal of ebay, about 6 years behind everyone else. :D)
Of course, I did manage to finish transferring all of our family videos/sundry other videos we've taped on VHS to DVD, which is nice. I feel so accomplished. :) And my grad school application essay for Maryland is about half done, which is exciting. What else--oh! I finally managed to finish Rabelais and His World by Bakhtin. Would have made more sense if I'd actually done any kind of extensive reading of Pantagruel or Gargantua. As it was, got some good "theory" ideas to use for my next paper, and then realized I won't be writing any more of those.... *shrugs* Glad I read it though, if only for the pride factor. I think I may be the only person ever to read that book for "fun." :)
Well, I guess I managed to make inroads on more things than I realized! Good thing too, 'cause Mom and Dad are leaving again. Dad's work is having some sort of couple's trip/conference thingy, so they are leaving Monday morning and back Thursday night or Friday sometime. I swear, they've gone on more trips during the last month and a half than they have in the last two years. But I'm still going to Cedar Point on Saturday, with the brother and sister, come hell or high water. :) We've booked our campsite, and we're ready. Now please keep your fingers crossed that it won't rain--I don't care what the 10 day forecast says, we are THINKING POSITIVE!
And am I the only one who really wants to go see the Toy Story double feature in 3-D? For some reason, I really want to go and see it. I think I need to get out more... :)
Anyways, pictures!
See, aren't these fun? Wish I could afford to buy them all, but at ~$10 apiece, I don't think so... Most of them could almost (but not quite) be screencaps, but my favorites are the ones that are most definitely not in the movie. Especially the one with Shirley Jones in modern dress. :). And yes, some of them have watermarks. Ignore them--I know I am a BAD person. :)
I found these pictures of Olivia de Havilland randomly, and I love them for the fancy dresses. She should look absolutely ridiculous and instead she looks gorgeous (especially the last one. Yea for Captain Blood!). I think I have to hate her now. :)