Books! and Music! and Movies! and lots of exclamation points!!

Aug 01, 2009 14:49

So I have 3432 songs in my iTunes.  That's insane.  And I would bet 3300 of them are soundtracks or show tunes.  Yea for Broadway!  I'm rediscovering "Ragtime" and seriously, "Back to Before" is an amazing song.  I found the sheet music for $5 at a used bookstore, and there have been many happy hours of me playing and singing along.  I love my sheet music collection, which is also all Broadway and soundtracks (like the gorgeous Dario Marianelli "Pride and Prejudice").  Now, if the powers that be (whoever they are) would publish the sheet music for Rachel Portman's gorgeous score to the HBO movie "Grey Gardens" I would be quite ecstatic.

And what with my finds this weekend and last weekend (especially at some wonderful used bookstores) my collection is rapidly outgrowing the shelves of my bedroom.  But look at the pretties!  The Art of Anastasia (for $10!), some Georgette Heyers (really, I'm one away from completing my collection--well, excepting her modern novels), some Pride and Prejudice continuations (leave my fluff alone--I figure if I'm reading Bakhtin's Rabelais and his World for fun, I can read bad P&P chick lit), The Mummy novelization (same deal), and Jean Kerr's Please Don't Eat the Daisies which I bought only 'cause it had a picture of Doris Day and David Niven (from the movie of the same name) on the cover, but was surprisingly hilarious.  And DVD wise, I got the second seasons of both Pushing Daisies and Early Edition.  *swoons over Gary Hobson*  Apparently, Anna Friel is in a stage production of "Breakfast at Tiffany's"--I want to go see it!  I also got Possession by A. S. Byatt.  I've read it before, but over a period of months, so this time I'm gonna try and read it without all the gaps in between.  The movie was pretty good, I thought (from what little I remembered of the book!)

Sometimes I think my favorite part of road trips/vacations is the long car ride on the way there, or the way back.  I always get so much reading done, although never as much as I'd like--too many distractions in the forms of my siblings!  But this time around I finished The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel, both the 3rd and 4th volumes of L. M. Montgomery's journals--one more to go.  That poor lady had such a depressing life....I almost don't want to finish her journals.  But she has (forgive the cliche) such a way with words.  Compelling, even in the worst times.  Oh, and the novelization of The Mummy--that author sounded like a wannabe Nobel Prize for literature winner, or something.  Very overblown prose.  But still enjoyable, if only for Evy's proud declaration of librarianship. :)

And vacation was quite enjoyable.  Always good to spend time with the family, and Nauvoo was gorgeous, and not humid at all.  I especially loved the fair/games/dance before the pageant, although I think the dancing was the most fun!  But it's nice to be back home.  Even if I do have to go to work tomorrow and yet still have nothing to do.  *shrugs*

I was rereading some of my earlier entries...this has really turned more into a chronicle of my fandom obsessions.  Oh well; I guess I took that whole internet/safety/don't reveal too much personal information thing to heart. :)

dvds, books, vacation, music, georgette heyer, family

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