Pretender FTW! (and another random mish-mash; good at coherent blog posts on single topics, I'm not)

Jun 27, 2009 20:32

So, thanks to the wonders of Netflix's 2 week free trial offer, I watched the two "Pretender" movies made after the fourth season.  My reaction?  AAAAAAAAAAAAH--HOW CAN YOU LEAVE US THERE!!!!!!  The first one--Pretender 2001--was just kind of blah.  Nothing really groundbreaking--new certainly, important?  not so much.  But "Island of the Haunted" I liked.  Could have done without the semi-supernatural stuff (didn't seem to quite fit into the Pretender universe; almost, but just a bit jarring--Pretender is all about conspiracy theories and such, not the supernatural....), but other than that, I really liked it.  The movie that gave a thousand Jarod/Miss Parker shippers hope....and we are given more questions that need answering.  I don't think we're ever gonna get answers; I was listening to the commentary on the Season 2 finale (which, by the way, had Michael T. Weiss and Andrea Parker was really amusing--I highly recommend it!  They kept making fun of it, in an affectionate way; just like you do when you watch a movie with friends that you love, but recognize has silly/cheesy points.  It was awesome) and the creators mentioned that they know exactly where the show is going/will go/should have gone and that they could/would wrap it all up in just one more movie.  But they made the other two movies in 2001 and it's been 8 years.  I hope they make another, but I doubt they will.....  Please?  Either way, I think I love that show. :)

And I got to play both dodgeball and kickball in the last week.  All my favorite elementary school games coming I just need to play tetherball and 4-square.... :D

Last week I went to one of the little used bookstores down by the university campus, and while they didn't have the books I was looking for (the last two I need to complete my L. M. Montgomery collection!), I did get the sheet music for "Aspects of Love" and The Sense & Sensibility Screenplay & Diaries (stop laughing--it was cheap and I like that movie. :P). I also finished A Room with a View, which I didn't really I'm not quite sure why I'm starting Forster's Passage to India, considering I didn't like Room with a View or Howard's End. *shrugs* But I also started the first volume of L. M. Montgomery's journals--for some reason I feel the urge to read as much as possible.  Also finished The Private World of Georgette Heyer, which I liked, even if it did make me feel just the tiniest bit embarrassed about how much I enjoy her books, when she was often so contemptuous about them, in a self-deprecating manner.  Oh well. :)

The Pirate Queen is going to Japan!  While I loved that show (mostly cause of Stephanie J Block and Hadley Fraser), and i'm glad it's getting another production, that just seems odd.... :)  See here

Finally ordered (from amazon) a backup portable harddrive!  And since I got free shipping I also ordered a copy of The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel.  I haven't read that one in Pimpernel series, and so I'm hoping for lots of Percy/Marguerite scenes. :)

Last, I love the soundtrack to "You've Got Mail."  Just FYI. :)

books, music, scarlet pimpernel, tv shows, pirate queen, pretender

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