Clearly I miss school

May 26, 2009 19:44

My work computer plays DVDs! Seriously, that is cause for rejoicing the like of which has not been seen since it was raining on Saturday morning and so it was dark enough for me to sleep in. So, at least two days. :) For some reason, it wouldn't play DVDs last summer, so I pretty much exhausted what had to offer. Now I get to watch my own DVDs! :) Is very exciting--anything to liven up the ennui of reattaching 2000 links. And I'm not sure if this is a sign that my job is too boring, that I miss school too much, or that I got a really good education, but when I was watching the 5 hour Pride and Prejudice miniseries (tomorrow it's the four hour North & South miniseries), I was only half paying attention. I happened to glance at the screen right when Lizzy was walking in the woods at Rosings Park, and my thought process registered woods/forest, jumped to Midsummer Night's Dream, and jumped to Carnival. I was sitting there thinking about how Lizzy going to Rosings Park is the equivalent of going to Carnival where everything is turned topsy turvy and the normal rules don't apply. I was coming up with support (Lady Catherine not acting like the nobility that she is; Darcy breaking his own rules and proposing to Lizzy "against [his] better judgement") and counter-arguments (if so, Carnival extends back into the rational English world, etc), and deciding that I can't come up with a really good argument based on 2 lectures (Shakespeare and the Jane Austen class--although we didn't talk about Carnival in relation to Pride & Prejudice in that Jane Austen class) on the subject, since I clearly don't have that good a grasp of it. But it was fun for that 15 or 20 minutes. :)

And I signed up for the GRE.  I even made flashcards.  I'm doing vocabulary drills (which I haven't had to do for *years* since I usually knew all the vocab words courtesy of my extensive reading...) and reviewing math (and I haven't had a math class in 5 years....)  I thought I was doing ok but I'm now in the second guessing part of my studying.  I'm terrified that I don't know anything and will completely fail, even though usually I'm an amazing standardized test taker (and humble too! :D)  I take it on June 13th; here's hoping I do well. *crosses fingers*

Other than that, life is just work and passing the time.  Work is fine; mindless but fine.  And I'm so in need of things to do that I conned my little brother into learning "Rhapsody in Blue" with me; I have an arrangement of it for 4 hands on 1 piano, so he and I are going to learn it. :)

school, pride and prejudice, piano, work

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