Oy vey, what a week

May 01, 2009 18:32

Well, this has been probably the most eventful week and a half that I've had in a while.  First off, I am now officially a "BA" in English.  Wow.  4 years of my life summed up in one sentence; I kind of feel like I'm just pretending--I'm not a college graduate...I'm not smart enough for that; haven't taken enough classes, or anything.  And I still have these weird gaps in my knowledge (I've never taken a theory class...and now I'm not going to have the chance...how odd).  Anyways, graduation was last Friday morning--everything was over so quickly!  (well, you know, the important parts)  We listened to a few speakers (including one professor I had for my literature and film class; it was an okay speech--the one by the student was much better, actually. :D), and then we were walking across the stage, and shaking hands, and getting the diploma case and sitting back down.  I remember looking at the guy who announced my name, and looking at the floor of the stage, and I vaguely remember shaking hands, and then I was back at my seat.  The whole thing was done by 10am; I did get to see/shake hands with a few of my professors afterwards: Dr. Perry (from my Poe and Frankenstein classes); Mel (from my editing classes); I saw Dr Mason, but he didn't see me. :) but most of it's a blur.  A good blur, but a blur nonetheless.  I was a bit sad that none of my family was there but I understood.  So it was a pretty good morning.  The rest of the day was spent cleaning and such, which wasn't nearly as much fun, but what can you do? :)

Then I flew out the next morning and had completely problem free flights--left on time, landed on time, no delays or cancellations or anything, which was a nice change!  I felt a bit like I was being lulled into a false sense of security given my track record, but I made it home on time, where my whole family was waiting.  It was so good to see them again!  Becky would stop hugging me, so the baby (well, two year old) shoved her aside so he could hug me.  I love my family. :)  Of course, we did have a 2 hour car ride after they picked me up at the airport (I landed at the big airport 2 hours away instead of the little one 5 minutes away, 'cause it was much much cheaper), but still.  It was a good day. :)

And then on Monday, I started my summer job.  I'm working at the bioengineering lab I worked at last summer, but I'm doing more clerical work, and getting paid $2 less than last summer (you know, 'cause of the recession thingy.).  But still, a job is a job, and it started immediately, so I'm not complaining. :)  So this whole week I've been doing a lot of filing, a lot of sundry office tasks, and a lot of waiting around while they figure out things for me to do.

Let's see, what else...oh yeah!  Dad put up a bunch of shelves in my room, so I got to organize all my books and put them on their bookshelves.  They're out of boxes!  Yea!  it was quite exciting. :)  See....pictures:


And then tomorrow Becky (8 year old) and I are taking the train to Chicago. :)  We're gonna see "Mary Poppins" on stage (with Gavin Lee and Ashley Brown!) and go to the American Girl store.  We're only gonna be there for Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, so that's really all we have time for.  It's gonna be our first train ride, and her first time at the theater--I'd be a whole lot more excited if I didn't wake up this morning with allergies and a sore throat from all the mucus draining.  Here's hoping I feel better by tomorrow morning!  And that the train arrives on time... :)

home, books, chicago, family, school

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