To sleep, perchance to dream

Mar 29, 2009 14:17

So lately I've been seriously craving scones and chinese food.  Not together, but still.  So yesterday I finally got them and life was much better
Not like amazingly wonderful, but it was certainly very good. (do you know what it's like to find out that when you are about to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in English that in your English 202 class that you've almost completely missed the point of a short story? Like the story is one line, and you did an interpretation that ran parallel to it? So close, and yet so very far--and completely missing the point. *sigh* In my defense I read it late at night, didn't pay that close attention, and it's existentalist.)

You know, lately I've been really looking forward to going to sleep, simply because of the possibilities of my dreams. I haven't had a fantastic dream in a while (although there were two that were Northanger Abbey-themed; one totally creepy and one pretty cool), but there is the possibility of awesome dreams. It's like that line from "You've Got Mail" when she's breaking up with the crazy typewriter man, and he asks her if there's someone else, and her reply is no, but "there's the possibility of someone else..." There's the possibility of wonderful dreams. And I know this is an odd thing to be thinking about at 11:00 in the morning, but still. I'm already looking forward to tonight. :)

A couple weeks ago (maybe two Saturdays ago) to celebrate finishing my research paper for my Frankenstein class (well, the rough draft; I've now turned in rough draft #2, and have one more to go, but I shouldn't have to do much to revise it. :D), I went up to the mall, and got a used Michael Crawford cd for $3, and got 2 seasons of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" on DVD. *squee!*  I totally love Rhoda.  So much.  I've decided I pretty much am Rhoda, and I'm okay with that.  She's awesome. :D

mary tyler moore, school, dreams

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