Curses...Foiled again

Jan 09, 2009 23:21

Curses. So after the email to the professor and the frantic stalking about getting into the 19th century mystery class, I finally caught up with the professor, only to be told that the class is "really full," despite the open spots online. I'm awfully disappointed--this is the first time I've ever not gotten into a class that I wanted, and I'm a senior! *sigh* Oh well. On the bright side, I get to write yet another feminist gothic research paper.

And then Tuesday, in which I spent all day at work except for a couple hours for class, wasn't too hot either. I did get an hour of organ practice in--I feel very much like I did when I started piano lessons. All nervous to pass things off and so on. But I passed something off today!  And I'm glad I'm finally learning how to play the organ--it should be helpful in church. :) Anyways.  I forgot to pack a lunch or a dinner, and I was working from 9am to 10pm, with a 3 hour break for class. So I bought a chocolate muffin out of the vending machines, and those are way stickier than any muffins have a right to be. I inadvertently dropped some on my shirt, and by the time I realized it, it had been rubbed in, to about the size of a quarter. And it was hot in the library, and I still had to work for another 4 hours! So, not wanting to wear my coat all day, and not having time to run home and back, I went and had to buy another shirt at the bookstore.  Laaaaaaaame.  But since it was a bookstore and I can't go in without checking out the bargain books, I got this cute little book about the movie It's A Wonderful Life and another book about The Nutcracker ballet and its impact on America, and why we like it so much.  I'm excited. :)

I'm finally reading Watership Down for my adolescent literature class--kind of violent for a bunny book, at least so far.  And I went back and read a Boxcar Children's book, something I haven't done in years!  I didn't realize how didactic they were, or how awesome Mr. Alden is.  And the fact that in the book I picked up (#10, I believe--The Schoolhouse Mystery), Henry is in college--that makes me feel better about the lingering crush I had on him when I first read the books. :)  While this whole adolescent lit class is going to be a joke (especially since the professor is focusing on how you might teach these books, or recommend them to children), I'll at least get a lot of reading done.  So any contemporary YA lit recommendations would be very welcome.

And I have to read Hamlet....again.  I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate Hamlet.  I told the professor today (I've known her for a while) that I'd like Hamlet a lot better if he wasn't so whiny.  She just kind of looked at me, and I replied that yes, I know that would kind of defeat the whole point of the play, but still, I'd like the character (and the play) better.  And isn't that the point of life, to make me like you? :)

adolescent lit, whining, hamlet, school

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