Traveling by train

Oct 16, 2008 14:45

So I want to go home for Christmas.  That's a reasonable request, right?  Well, to fly home, it's gonna cost me at least $600.  That's crazy.  And since no one I know is driving to where I live from where I am now, carpooling is kind of out (I lack a car...).  So I figure, hey, I've always wanted to ride a train, maybe I'll try Amtrak.  Well, that's better--it's only about $400.  Of course, I'll have to be traveling for about 36 hours each way.  Anybody taken the train?  Recommend it, or no?  As of now, I have no idea what I'm gonna do (I may end up having to stay here for Christmas, which would not be fun), but I'm keeping my options open. :)

train, traveling

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