Remington Steele and other TV shows

Sep 26, 2008 22:22

I have successfully managed to convert one of my friends to "Remington Steele."  Yea!  It's an old fandom, but it's a great one.  You have no idea how happy I am that I've managed to bring someone over to the dark side--not to mention being able to talk about RS with someone I see on a fairly regular basis, who will understand my oblique references to it.  Yea for sharing the fandom love. :D

In other (more current) tv news, I totally watched "The Office" season premiere this morning (thank you!).  Squee!!!!!!  *SPOILER* Jim's proposal was awesome--so very "Jim and Pam."  And Holly is so perfect for Michael--just as Jim says, "she's kind of a major dork."  Oh, I'm so excited for this season, despite the love/hate relationship I have with it.  When it's funny, it's really really funny, but I could do without some of the crudeness and innuendo....*major sigh*  And "Pushing Daisies" premieres in less than a week!!!!!!!! *major fangirl squee!*  Oh, I'm so very pathetic...

remington steele, the office, pushing daisies

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