random babblings

Sep 27, 2006 20:03

So I got the first .hack//AI Buster novel on Sunday, and finally got around to reading it today. And I realized, there isn't just one of these series' that I love and adore, I love this entire frigging universe. I love the fact that they gave it an entirely fleshed out background as to why everyone is playing this one game and only this one game. Because the .hack//SIGN anime just barely brushes the surface of this universe. It tells you the mystery that underlies almost every entry in this universe. Because really, yeah, I like the mystery, and yeah, I really need to sit down and finish re-playing the first three games, and venture out to find that ever-increasingly rare copy of the fourth game, but if I didn't want to play the games, I wouldn't have to. This universe works so well because all the pieces can stand on their own. Yeah you'll understand more if watch, and read, and play everything, but you don't have to. I really wish I knew why more people aren't into it, because this is one of those series that has metaphorically grabbed onto my soul.

me, book

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