Since Arama has been pretty empty lately and the weekly FFA's seem to have vanished unfortunately, I felt that it was time to get this community to actually communicate and participate again. I hope the mods will allow me to do this.
I present the
Arama Music Meme
Use it to get to know one another and maybe discuss your different/similar music tastes.
Rules are as follows: Post a comment answering the things below. You may do so in words, links, with embedded songs/videos or any other way you like. I only ask that, should you embed a video, please resize it to something smaller so that the comment section is not spammed too much (For those who do not know how, many sites like Youtube have a section for their embed codes with an option for custom size. Choose something that is preferably not wider than 300px).
Since this is an Arama-specific Meme I'm asking for Japanese songs. This may seem to narrow your choices down but maybe it'll also make it easier! :)
Please answer the following things:
1. Your favourite Japanese Music Video.
2. Your favourite Japanese Song or Current Jam.
3. Your favourite Japanese Male and/or Female Solo Artist.
4. Favourite Japanese band and/or group.
5. Japanese song you listen to when happy / sad.
Optional: Japanese Guilty Pleasure / Song you wouldn't normally listen to.
That's it, guys! Have fun and party together!
EDIT: Can I just say: Thank you guys for participating! I never expected that so many would take part in this, I wish it would always be like this, like the FFA's back in the day :)