"Rush", directed by Ron Howard, is set for release on February 7 in Japan, and it was announced that its Japanese dubbed version will be voiced by male duo KinKi Kids' Domoto Koichi and Domoto Tsuyoshi.
Set at the Formula One World Championship in 1976, the movie features 2 race car drivers James Hunt and Niki Lauda.
Koichi will voice for Hunt (played by Chris Hemsworth) while Tsuyoshi will play the voice of Lauda (played by Daniel Brühl).
Although Koichi has lent his voice for a TV anime before, this marks the very first time for Tsuyoshi to voice act.
KinKi Kids was selected for the project with the production team's hope that KinKi Kids will be able to infuse their special bond with each other into the movie, for the duo has been great partners and rivals even after passing the 20th anniversary of their formation.
"Rush" is the first movie in about 20 years for the duo to participate in together after "Shoot!" (released in 1994).