Wada Akiko exposes the names of gay celebrities

Jan 09, 2010 23:17

With EXILE's MATSU and AKIRA as the investigators, the prank segment, "EXILE comes out to Wada Akiko" produced by Akaishiya Sanma aired as part of "Sanma & EXILE's the greatest year-end party in history!" on the 26th of December.

"To tell you the truth, I have need some consolation. AKIRA and I are still unable to say it to the members we're associated with. How to tell that it is better for this person to come out," MATSU said, offering the fake dilemma to Wada Akiko in her dressing room.

Akko (T/N: her nickname I assume), who fell in to the trap perfectly, responded warmly, "There are many (gays) in the entertainment world. You don't know? It seems that guy is like that, too. Like ○○ or blank."
"There's even (gay) actors, and there are ones with children, too.
"The people who know, know, don't they. ○○, too"

Wada Akiko said the real names of the other gay people and because of the circumstances of the tv show, it became a beep sound.
With a kind look, Wada said, "It's bad if you say it to Sanma! I won't say anything, it's you who has to say it!" forbidding them to speak about it, but proceeding to give the advice, "Love has nothing to do with gender. The matter is to discuss with HIRO."

After that, MATSU and AKIRA, and Akaishiya Sanma confessing that they had tricked her, Wada laughed as she raged, worrying, "I'll hit you! What will the people who's name I just said do?!"

one part of the article says "oo or blank" because they blocked out the names god damnit! at least she gave them good advice.
source: http://widegeinou.seesaa.net/article/136745627.html
translated by zuttodaisuki at arama_translate


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