Tegomass wants you to share your cat pride with them for new album

Jun 01, 2013 11:32

Johnny's Entertainment has decided to release a "Neko Jiman Contest" (Cat Pride Contest) dedicated to all cat lovers out there to commemorate the release of Tegomass new single "Neko Chudoku" on May 22nd.


We'll receive pictures about 'cat pride' from each person's point of view on our home page and after the two members of Tegomass pick their favorite photos, those will be displayed in the homepage and later on, a smaller number of them will be used as part of the album work of Tegomass' upcoming album.

You can view more details from JE News Daily

source: Johnnys Entertainment

Oh wow, this is going to be their 3rd full album already! Does this mean a Tegomass live tour as well? XD


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