Aoi Yuu didn’t inform agency of new hairstyle, forced to wear wig

Sep 21, 2012 07:57

Actress Aoi Yuu has recently been in the headlines for going through a drastic change from her trademark long hair to a very short, fresh new hairstyle.

The change in hairstyle was made public with a detailed interview in a fashion magazine and a new CM for an apparel brand. In the interview, she explained that she felt like she had been hiding her flaws behind her long hair and that she wanted to drive herself forward again with a change. At the stage greeting for her new movie ‘Vampire‘ on September 15, she also once again emphasized it’s the first time for her to sport such a short hairstyle.

However, what seems like a fresh start of an ambitious actress, is actually receiving some criticism from the top brass of the industry. One executive staff member who knows the actress commented, “This isn’t really that much of an impressive story…”

Furthermore, it has now become clear that Aoi didn’t inform her agency about the sudden change, which happened in mid-August, beforehand at all. A person from the movie industry stated, “Until the previous day, she was still sporting her long hair and the next time she surprised us with short hair! Everyone around her was in a state of panic!”

There is public proof that she really caught her agency completely off-guard. On August 25, she attended the stage greeting for the movie ‘Rurouni Kenshin‘, and when you look at the photos now, it’s more than obvious that she was wearing a wig to cover her new hairstyle.

Another industry insider explained, “In the movie Aoi is still sporting her long hair, so it’s common sense that she should promote it with long hair as well. The promotions were still going on, and she suddenly cuts her hair short. You just cannot do that! Her management was in a panic prior to the stage greeting and prepared a wig for the event.”

It’s said that the starring actors Sato Takeru and Takei Emi were informed about her new hairstyle before appearing in front of the audience. Apparently they were dying to mention it on stage, but they had to restrain themselves from doing so.

Aoi’s agency doesn’t seem to have the actress firmly under control anymore. First, she publicly announced her relationship with actor Suzuki Kosuke, and now she arbitrarily cut her hair without telling them. She sure knows how to keep her management on their toes.

Source: Nikkan Cyzo & tokyohive

aoi yuu

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