In the upcoming episode of “Himitsu no Arashi-chan” (Arashi Share House) on June 14th, one of Arashi’s variety programs; Aiba Masaki and Ninomiya Kazunari find themselves being bombarded with questions about marriage and kids by three new housewives.
The guests are actresses’ Suzanne and Megumi Yasu, and competitive eater Gal Sone. All three have gotten married last year and clearly exuded the aura of happy marriages during their guesting.
During the chit-chat, the wives turned the tables by asking Aiba and Ninomiya barrage of questions. Questions like, “What is Aiba’s ideal marriage partner?”, ‘Will Nino let his son enter Johnny’s Entertainment?”, and “What are their views on marriage?” Ninomiya and Aiba were simply bewildered and at loss for answers.
Find out their answers by watching “Himitsu no Arashi-chan” every Thursday on TBS at 10PM.