Squintface Powerhouse breaking records with sequel

Apr 25, 2011 16:42

“GANTZ: PERFECT ANSWER” has recorded bigger sales and larger crowds at its opening, reports Cinema Today on April 25.

The movie stars Arashi’s Kazunari Ninomiya and actor Kenichi Matsuyama. Although the first movie earned an impressive 3.4 billion yen at the box office at its opening in January, its sequel has earned more than 4 billion yen. By 1pm on the movie’s opening day on April 23, cinemas across the country had recorded ticket sales of 104 per cent compared to the first movie.

It has been reported a large portion of the crowd attending the opening day event in Tokyo were women, including daughters and mothers or girl friend groups, showing the movie’s appeal to fans in their teens to 40s.

The “GANTZ” movies are based on the popular SF manga series of the same name, which is still being published. Because of this the sequel has invented it’s own original ending to the story.

source: MOMEDEGWOOD | cinematoday

film, kazunari ninomiya, kenichi matsuyama

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