Upon the release of her first single "Walk no Yakusoku" (currently the ending theme to the anime series Shiki), following her two mini-albums Subarashii Omoi and VIVID HEART, singer nangi will be releasing her first full album, titled Ai no Katachi. It will contain songs from all of her past releases coupled with new tracks and totaling thirteen songs.
1. walkの約束
2. エクスプレス
3. くろ
4. 愛をウタウ時
5. jinx
6. こんな風に笑う。
7. ブランコからおりて。
8. gift
9. 未完成の空
10. ホープ
11. すばらしい思い
13. 本当はみんな
A couple of her PVs from this album:
Click to view
Click to view
official site discography (PVs are from
here and
I'm very, very slowly getting into her music, but I'm looking forward to the new songs.