Nov 12, 2008 08:59
So, it's both a day before Wrath of the Lich King launches.. and my birthday! It's been a pretty busy week, as I've gotten to do a lot of stuff I had wanted to do for a long time. I main-tanked Illidan Stormrage and Brutallus, as well as both forms of M'uru in the Sunwell Plataeu, not to mention finally getting the chance to defeat Kil'jaeden and thus earn the Outland Raider achievement.
I'm also really happy with the changes that were made with 3.0 not just in regards to tanking, but, for well, every single role in the game. Merely by judging Light on Kil'jaeden meant I contributed as much healing as the other Paladin in the raid who was doing nothing BUT healing (as the spell now works for spellcasters who hit the judged target as well), in addition to DPS and tanking duties. That is what I picked up Druid and then Paladin for.. to do one role as best as possible, but to be able to contribute to the group in other ways simultaneously.
I also finally got my Priest to level 60, though at this point I'll probably be too focused upon getting all my 70's to 80 instead for a while, especially during this first month where a lot of people will be re-rolling their classes from one to another.. I expect to see a ton of Death Knights running around for the first couple of weeks, minimal..