Yay me! I'm 26 now and, so far, the day has begun in a good way. For reasons I won't quite go into detail about now.. ;)
Two other things I'd like to mention, however. First, I've begun keeping a written journal regarding my headaches and pains, as well as writing down every time I take any kind of medicine. Hopefully that should be evidence enough when I visit the doctor of just how I NEED my prescriptions and it isn't just a want thing. At the very least, it's helping me better keep track of the incidents as well as apparent triggers.
The other subject I wanted to bring up are the Interests on my
profile page. I want to expand upon said list but am unsure of what else I could put on there. It doesn't exactly help that a lot of people break the 'rules' on keywords; ie, Interests are supposed to always be the plural form of the word, if possible, and it's bad form to misspell them or enter in specific films, books or games unless they're highly significant. For instance, it's rather safe to assume if you indicate 'Warcraft' as an interest, that encompasses the other strategy games; you don't need to specify them individually, EXCEPT for 'World of Warcraft', because it's a different style of game. I also think it's a little misleading to only indicate stuff you like, as opposed to stuff you like AND have a personal vested interest in.
But enough ranting, point is, let's play a little game. 'Besides the obligatory HAPPY BIRTHDAY commentary thing, you pick an item off my Interests list and then ask me a question about it, or, alternately, you volunteer some information about one such item on your own LJ, and then vice-versa. I bring this up cause it's not only a way to get to know me better, and to meet others, but it isn't like posting some other kind of identity-related information that could be 'stolen'.. which IS of course a problem online nowadays.
And to end this post, a completely unrelated message.. a bacon, ham and cheese omelet is quite tasty!