Jun 03, 2006 00:10
I've not updated for a couple days. Also, not much has happened in a couple days besides work. Work happens. Yesterday work happened during a thunder storm. I was working carts. When the night sky suddenly lit up like day, I decided to come in. After all, the probability of getting struck by lightning tends to increase when you're pushing ten heavy metal objects in front of you. It rained bullets but I figured I was safe as I was bagging. NO.
I had to help a couple ladies bring out 12 cases of WATER (WTF IRONY) to their van. The customers (who dared not venture to their cars) just kinda stood there and watched me walk out to the van, deposit the water, and walk back. During this time, a co-worker informed me that he would get wet on the way home because he didn't have a rain coat. me: *drip drip* I am drenched NOW. At the end, the lady just said thank you, bye. I'm not mad that she didn't try to give me money, but I figured a little more gratitude might be in order. When I got back in my supervisor observed, "you're wet." me: yeah, I noticed *pulls up shirt to reveal the 2 shades of my dockers*.
Now for today. Someone seems to have written "wookies are people too" and "I know what you're thinking free vader (there was no punctuation)". I wasn't really thinking either of those things, but I heartily agree with both. Along with bottles and carts, I had to clean both up and downstairs bowel evacuation facilities. This was a joy as always.
In other news, I almost have enough money for my PA! w00t! For those of you who actually care, raise you hands. *counts* Yeah, zero.