May 15, 2007 20:09
i effing hate multiple choice with a passion.
i got 95% on the written part of the chem test
BUT multiple choice definitely screwed me over!!!!!!!
i hate hate hate hate hate it.
i can talk myself into all of them
and she makes all of the choices so similar.
*cries* :(
tomorrow i have a bio test.
i just finished 1 unit... 1 more unit to go.
the power went out for like 4 hours...
so i studied under a candle light.
it was very distracting.
PROM was fun. except i regret a lot of stuff.
i can't go to school without people talking about me.
including teachers.
it's so embarassing but what can i expect? i was an idiot.
oh. what a luck.
well. i learned my lesson.
mmmmm. back to bio.