Disjointed, but hello!

Dec 25, 2012 16:43

Sooooo...hi, happy various winter holidays, happy Yuletide fandom pleasure explosion, and please take as read that I am probably reading your posts and keeping you in my thoughts, even if I'm not commenting and interacting. I am not at my best right now, this time of year, and it's been heavy duty escapism mode for me lately, but I am always full of gratitude for fannish people and activities, and I am sending you all lots of love, pretty much all the time.

I am moved today to post because, well, I miss you all! And also I seem to be having a fannish fling with Suits, yes, I know, way late to the party, but I was in dire need of fannish escapist entertainment, and I stumbled across all of season 1 and 2 on demand, so there you go. My heart is still mostly with Avengers these days, with One Direction continuing as a mostly celebrity gossip fandom and not so much a fanfiction and fan discussion oriented fandom for me. But there just wasn't enough fic being produced in Avengers to meet my intensely escapist needs recently, so when I saw Suits was all there, just laid out for me so conveniently, and knowing there was a big bank of good fic waiting for me...really, it was inevitable.

So I think it is just what the fannish doctor ordered. Harvey! Mike! But, seriously, HARVEY!!! And Dooooonnnnnaaaa. JESSICA PEARSON OMG. Rachel!!! Oh, Louis Litt is so freaking problematic, and he's a perfect example of how I can't quite get a handle on where this show is coming from in terms of critical consciousness, but I kind of love/hate Louis a lot!

Before I go any further, I need to take a moment to discuss Gabriel Macht's face. WHAT. I have these moments, often when they go in for a close up on Harvey's repressed emotional conflict, and it's just...what is his face. WHAT IS HIS FACE. I swear to fucking god his face is some ridiculously sculpted porcelain doll shit WHAT WHAT WHAT. And the moles! I am a little bit obsessed with his moles. *sigh* Mike is a little shit, but I love him, but HARVEY HARVEY HARVEY SPECTER YOU ARE MY WOOBIE WHY AM I LIKE THIS.

I am completely unsurprised by the preponderance of kink fic in this fandom, and I have an appetite for that, so it's working out fine for me. I wish there was more bottom!Harvey, but *shrugs*, beggars can't be choosers. I think I want fic where Harvey is just relieved by Mike, to have found Mike, someone who might be able to outsmart and outmaneuver him, even if he's not someone Harvey would ever have expected, someone who can just fucking take care of things things sometimes, for a while, as improbable as it might have seemed at first. I mean, what? What? Whatever, you know. That might be interesting to read. :)

I can tell this is a fannish fling (in that way where I stay friends with my flings and continue to keep up with what's going on in their lives, heh) because my fannish reading arc is accelerated. First it was, as usual, all canon canon canon, I want stories that flesh out what I'm seeing on the screen, I want stories that help me build my own head canon for the characters and the series. And then it went quickly to kink, and then AU, though the order might be switched up on that in different fandoms. But this one is so kink-heavy, it was the next logical step. *g* And now, AUs! I've done the AO3 sort by kudos, sort by comments, sort by word length. This could take me months in some fandoms, but, um, it's been about a week? A little more? Yep.

So even though I'll finish the available episodes soon, I've got a good chunk of fic on my kindle, and then series 3 will start up in a bit. It'll get me through, and now when I go back to Avengers, there's always a nice little accumulation of stories to read. Win! I don't have to deal with reality for weeks! \o/

And now, from a few weeks ago:
Hi, hello, I am doing so much better this year at this time than I was last year at this time, and I'm feeling pretty good about that. But also, still not doing great, I guess. Trying to appreciate the good, and keep moving forward. I just focus on that. As long as I'm moving, moving forward, working toward something and having goals and whatnot, I'm calling it a win in life right now.

So, let's get this out of the way. I've continued to voraciously read Avengers fanfic, mostly Clint/Phil and Steve/Tony, though I read Bruce/Tony when it sounds good, and also Natasha in various pairings or gen when it sounds good. And I'm also completely in love with the cast of the movie, and following them through social media, YouTube videos, etc..

That Jeremy Renner. I don't even know what to do with that guy. As
sinensis said when I was talking to her recently, he's a "character." Right??? What a weirdo, in a fascinating, "he's a character," no really he's quite odd, but I ♥ him kind of way.

That said, initial thoughts liveblogged as I'm watching Mr. Renner on SNL....


Already. I mean, oh fuck, he's actually pretty funny. He's pulling this shit off, and I don't even know. What are his magic powers even???

Oh no, with the dorky little dancing while the band plays, OH NO. You guys I don't know if I can watch this show all in one sitting oh fuck my heart can't take this.

You know, I think he was both genuinely nervous and laughing at himself, and also playing it up for effect. It's a disarming technique I'm very familiar with! *g* And I found it thoroughly charming on him, so good job there, sir.

Wow, his comedic timing in that gangster sketch was subtle and awesome! I really actually want to see him in comedies now.

Um, the Avengers sketch felt disturbingly like someone has been reading a lot of angsty!Clint Avengers fanfiction.

Overall, I was surprised by how little my embarrassment squick was triggered via secondhand embarrassment during the entire show. He did good!

Welp, gotta go watch the last two Suits eps of season 2, so I hope you are all well today, and know that I am loving you and wishing you well through the internets! {{{hugs}}} to all!

[This entry was originally posted at http://arallara.dreamwidth.org/169599.html. For now, please comment in either journal, but I encourage you to use OpenID at Dreamwidth--it's super easy! What is an OpenID account?.]
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