Perceval Pressからのメッセージ

Mar 25, 2022 14:36

3月23日、Perceval PressのIn The Newsにウクライナからの難民に関してメッセージが掲載されたので訳してみました。






There is absolutely no excuse for governments like those of the U.S.A. and Great Britain to not immediately open their doors wide and welcome Ukrainian refugees without further delay, like they should have done in recent years for refugees from Afghanistan, Syria, Africa, Central America, and other places of massive displacement due to war, famine, poverty, and oppression. All the fine words about democracy, freedom, and a welcoming spirit mean nothing to people who are told they simply cannot enter the U.S.A. or Great Britain for the foreseeable future. There is no time to waste. We must lead by example with no further delay with regard to the present crisis, showing that we have learned from and are determined to atone for our previous fatal mistakes which have unnecessarily harmed so many innocent people.

European Union countries are making some headway in this regard, doing for Ukrainian refugees what they should have done to a far greater degree for refugees from the Middle East and Africa in recent years. They are allowing Ukrainians into their communities, giving them free public transport, facilitating their difficult journeys. European citizens and volunteer organisations are personally rescuing refugees and finding them places to live, largely unhampered by federal authorities. The European Union governments can and hopefully will do even more with regard to Ukrainian refugees, but at least the doors are open. That is the reality on the ground at this time. Many U.S. and British citizens are trying, like the citizens of other countries, to privately help Ukrainians in all manner of ways, but it will be one more everlasting mark of shame for the U.S. Congress and British Parliament if they in essence turn a blind eye to yet another massive humanitarian crisis.

The long-standing uncertain and often inhuman living conditions for refugees in camps in the Middle East and Europe should be addressed as soon as possible, as should the border policies in Europe, Britain, and the U.S.A., but we obviously have a rapidly worsening refugee crisis in and around the Ukraine at this very moment. The situation is urgent; it is not a time for half-measures and vacillation, but a time to act decisively and promptly, showing our best sides. Let them in, do the right thing.

Perceval Press
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