Jun 25, 2002 22:31
hello all, how be u all. i am actually pretty damn good myself. i would just like to say i am one of the luckiest guys i know of, and i piss myself of bc i take for granted in the worst way. i am a really happy person ive just forgotten how to show that and im not showin the ppl i care about most that i do care. umm i got permit today, sarcastic wooo, it wasnt even hard i just never felt like goin. my first day at my new job was yesterday i get to talk to the store manager on thursday about becomin a shift manager and makin some good money. anyways i just wanted to let everyone know i was still alive and kickin and explain that im sorry for bein an ass the past couple of days i just have alot of things on my mind that i need to talk to certain ppl about. hint hint. anyways like i said things r good, so bye bye and good times to all