Hillary Clinton gave her not-quite-concession speech tonight, and announced that she hadn't yet decided whether to quit the Presidential contest (even though Obama essentially accepted the Democratic nomination tonight). But a couple things tell me that she's not ready to quit yet. First hint: Terry McAuliffe (her campaign chair) announced her as "the next President of the United States." Second and more important hint: The songs playing before (?) and after her speech -- "Simply The Best" by Tina Turner (central lyric: "You're simply the best, better than all the rest; Better than anyone...") and "Won't Back Down" by Tom Petty (sample lyric: "I will stand my ground; and I won't back down").
Apparently, she came out to the tune of "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." I don't think she's conceding any time soon.
If she'd wanted to send a gracious message, I think a good song might have been "Why Can't We Be Friends," by War. Or maybe a round of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow"?