How are you? XD
Maybe you guys already know about that, buuuut~ let's make a formal post XDD
Araki will be in a play called LOVE LETTER
The play is part of the 2009 19th Anniversary Ginza Special srsly~ don't ask me what is it XDD
He'll pair with Abe Asami 安倍麻美> Thanks to
none-neither-san We don't have much info about the play, but for the name and for the simplicity, I think we can expect an agreeable play with Araki reading and listening love letters <3 Oh how sweeeet!!!
His presentaion will be on July 22nd~
For some reason, on his info page is just the date of July 25, which is the Channaka's day XD
Sale starts on July 4th~ So hurry and grant you ticket~ it'll be a must see!
mesmo que vocês nao entendam nada do que ele vai dizer XD~
alguem tenta gravar um pedacinho pra mim?? i--i
[+]Oficial site See yaaa~~