18th Questions

Aug 13, 2012 09:06

Chapter 18: Time to reconnect - Part 1.

Author Notes: Again not many notes sans Please Review! (T-T)

Warning: Same just like previous chapters, NO BETA.

Time to Reconnect - Part I.


Waking up inside one of the houses she spent the better part of her life bring sense of tranquility Andy never got from other places. This is her home, one of her homes. So peaceful her sleep is she didn’t surprise to find she wake up late, nearly on lunchtime. With a simple spell she dried her hairs after taking a shower and noticing a parchment next to the nightstand she unfolded it and read the message. Her mom already went to the Ministry apparently ‘Of course she is,’ Andy folded the parchment, recalling Amelia’s message that hoped they could floo to Hogwarts after dinner if she is prepare.

Exiting the bedroom Andy stroll leisurely around the empty manor, absorbing the melancholic feeling, the sensation of safety and completely at peace, she wore Diesel Jeans and ivory-colored blouse, with clothes inside her closet never got renewed she cannot put a robe instead she opted to wrap the cloak around her shoulders. Moving down to the kitchen… “Why I didn’t surprise to see you here, Rafael,” Andy smirked leaning against the doorframe seeing the handsome Latino peeking over the edge of the refrigerator door. “Raiding mom’s refrigerator?”

“Guilty.” Rafael grinned wolfishly “And hello there Commander, should I give a wolf-whistle?” he does whistled, aloud.

“Thank you so much, kind sir,” reply Andy with a mock bow, “so, what are you doing inside the kitchen acting like a theft that got distracted because he suddenly famished?”

“Don’t blame me, LT.” Pouting Rafael closed the refrigerator, “when I wake up this morning, I went down in time your mom just finished her breakfast so there was no problem to join her. She spent time reading her newspaper and we chat a bit before I excused myself to take shower and again when I went down she was ready to go to her office and told me to stay here reminding me I am your bodyguard and left through the fireplace. But now I am hungry and for last two hours I tried to find drinks that not liquors or teas, I mean,” looking around he scowls, “is there any coffee in this giant place?”

“Poor you, mom forgot to inform you to simply call our house-elf.” Andy tittered. “Janice.”

“A what?” Rafael asked and Rafael yelped when a tiny voice comes from his back, “I’m here, Ms. Andy.” He spun around only to yelp again banging the back of his head against the refrigerator door in process as he was shock seeing a foot-tall magical creature that Wizarding world and other races knew as a House-Elf. “Holy Jesus Christ!” Clutching his chest, “who, what, how?” Rafael whipped his head right and left between Andy who clinging to the door frame as she doubled-over in laughter or to this creature with big eyes as big as a tennis ball eyeing him with a look of a genuine curiosity. Embarrassed to the root, “Commander!” he cried out, exasperated and again embarrassed to be caught off guard.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Even Andy said that repeatedly she keeps chortling. “I just remembered about your background and I know you most likely never know a House-Elf. I can’t help it!” Whipping the tears trickling out from her mirth, “the kitchen is Janice’s fortress, she always here even mostly invisible, for you to tiptoed around like a theft, when she of course watching you since beginning,” she erupted into merry hoots as now Rafael fully understand the significance of her words blushing to the root of his hairs.

Janice innocent action with, “Here, Mr. Rafe,” a snap of her fingers a mug of coffee materializing from thin air which she hold it and offered it to him, “your coffee.”

Andy practically disappeared from view but her laugh booming from the corridor outside of the kitchen leaving a mortified Rafael stuttering “T-Thank you,” and without taking the coffee, he fainted. Janice was eyeing the unconscious male-human like a new kind of species she never see before, shrugged her shoulders and said, “The lunch would be ready in fifteen minutes, Ms. Andy.” Used by one of two young mistresses’ eccentricity the tiny House-Elf didn’t mind Andy give no reply sans laughing harder and begin working to prepare a lunch.


(New York)

While her lover having some fun, Miranda Priestly on the other hand is royally piss. Since this morning no matter how many she tried she cannot call Andréa. Miranda tried to be reasonable that means Andy is inside area where magic make any technology gadgets doesn’t work. She too reminded herself again and again she didn’t need to worry because her young-lover went to visit her mom and certainly bearing so many sensitive issues Andy need enough time to reunite, to explain and to reconnect with her family and friends. So Miranda’s much rational mind told her to leave Andy for now, albeit she make a mental note if in next three days there are no news from Andy, she would personally fly to London.

Then Zoey come as the savior for the most part of Runway that received their Queen breathing fire everywhere much for their confusion and eternal fear, Zoey’s call to Miranda explaining what happen back in London and obviously the President’s youngest daughter have much sensible part guess correctly her oldest cousin won’t able to call Miranda. Zoey assured Miranda Andy was fine and she is with one of her moms right now. That did work a bit to calm the Editor’s anxiety. But that very anxiety continued gnawing in her chest adding with horrible photo-shoots and Irv throwing a dig that he demanded explanation why she brought an illegitimate child to office darkening her mood by insults of how an old woman like her still have a young baby and how she supposedly ashamed and 1001 different insults later… Miranda is ready to kill someone. One certain Chairman is to be certain.

“That coward.” She hissed through clenching teeth. Oh yes, Irv Ravitz knew better to give a direct confrontation to Miranda, he had done it in Paris and he swallowed his own tongue by a single piece of paper Miranda smugly gives it to him. That’s why this time he makes sure to do so via-phone. What he evidently never learns over twenty years, Miranda, aside as the Queen of Ice, she too is the Queen of Retaliation. And her vengeance not only scorching but freezes all levels of hells for everyone to see, to be notice, and as indirect warning to general population what would happen to them if they dare to cross her. Irv’s only shield is his position as the Chairman of Elias-Clarke. He always aware his position could be used to control Miranda as best as he could, that is. He is after all leading the Board of Elias-Clarke. As talented-Editor she is, what Miranda doesn’t have is moneys. The payment as an Editor does make her have such wealth and her hard work for two decades gives her influence over the fashion-world unchallenged, but in term of moneys she still far beneath Irv and in such league, the amount of moneys a dueler have is what talk the most. But now Miranda got well-thick armors from her relationship with her younger lover and befriending Andy’s friends does gives her much benefit she quietly enjoy.

The problem is she needs to be discreet. Oh Miranda would never open such trump-cards to the public. If such trump-cards already lay down on the table it decreased the values, Miranda however never loosing ideas. She worked and lived by ideas whole these times. So when she come home with Alexandra on her left arm, Miranda inwardly smirking to see her girls, Caroline and Cassidy thundering down the stairs excited to see their mom and their sister again with two very British male-voices floating from upstairs. “Princesses! No ladies thundering down the stairs!”

“Sorry Fred,” shouted Caroline followed by Cassidy’s, “George,” and clung to their mother’s sides completely ignoring a twin protest from above, “And no Shouting!”

“Welcome home, mom!” They chirped in unison something they picked up again after meeting Fred and George. “I’m home, Bobbseys,” Miranda laughed, her day may got terrorized by one imbecile excuse of a man, but seeing her daughters’ enthusiast greetings worked better than anything to calm her mood. Two different pairs of blue eyes peeking over the edge of the wall earned an eye roll from Miranda, “Hello to you too, boys.” With a pair of identical grin Fred and George hop off playfully from the two last stairs on the landing their arms spread open, “good evening Miranda, could we score a hug tonight?”

“Not likely,” comes the cool reply from the Editor, inwardly Miranda is entertained of how the twin Weasley easily attached to her. Perhaps because she is a mother of a twin identical redhead but girls? Which equally smart, clever and mischief too just like them? With a pair of icy blue eyes? Yes, Miranda is convinced their affection to her most likely come from because she have her girls, the only difference neither of her daughters have freckles, something the twin British redheads have albeit faint.

Two small arms from her redhead-girls trying to pick Alexandra from her arms brought Miranda’s mind back to the reality, “you two could play with Alexandra but don’t too loud, girls.” Releasing Alexandra to their capable hands, “and I will tucked you in an hour,” she told them amused as her girls already disappeared up the stairs with the stolen youngest sister leaving Fred and George gentlemanly help her out from her coat and anything she bring home.

“Do you want a tea Miranda? Or a wine?” George asked as he disappeared to the kitchen.

“A tea would be fine, George.” Entering the kitchen Miranda took a sit on the isle thanking Fred that had put away her coat inside the closet and zip to her side to pull the chair. “You got a foul mood when you climbed out of the car, Miranda.” Fred took a sit on the empty chair next to her while George turned around handing a mug of tea to Miranda who took it gladly. “Anything we could help?” George offered.

With a sigh Miranda explained the reason of her foul moods smirking into her mug as she watched the two Weasley trading a meaningful look. “It’s easy for us to stalk this Irv Ravitz,” both said confidently. “Andy told us a lot about him, she too noticed something really wrong inside budget report.”

That statement perked up Miranda’s interest. “I need to confess I am not an accountant, I have no idea when it comes to budget sans the limit Irv enforced to me.” She ignored how she just sharing one of things she doesn’t understand. “Andréa noticed something in budget report?”

“Yeah, she always good with calculations, something to do with her talent in transfiguration and runes,” resting his right elbow on the counter Fred pursed his lips. “I think she said that the budget report you have with the budget report that went to the Boards’ hands a bit different.”

“Yeah.” George tilted his head to the side. “Something about two different reports. I’m not quite sure how to answer in details, Miranda. Andy was a Lieutenant Commander so such budget report and meeting, well, she already attended it many, many times.”

“Why she never tell me?” Miranda sounded hurt.

“Maybe because she isn’t sure,” George said soothingly. “She does tell us she feels that way when she accidentally bumped with the accountant. The accident happened early in her tenure under you, something about her heels I think. There was the only time Andy have her hands on the budget-reports. Besides, she never attends any budget meetings. Not only escorting you but staying inside the meeting.”

“However her suspicion arises because ever since that day the accountant always looking at her warily guarded whenever he come around Andy,” Fred added. “The way he clutching into the folders or his briefcase was what rise Andy’s suspicion. It had been a year and he continued acted like Andy is a klutz that would accidentally make him dropping his bag again.”

Miranda’s lips now pressed so thin and she clearly deep in thought. “…you think you could stalk someone without them knowing?” A two pair of identical wolfish grins is her answer and the Editor’s eyes gleamed. “I think I have a job for two of you…”


(London, UK: Ministry of Magic)

Hearing a report of the mysterious case happening down on the Diagon Alley from her Deputy made Amelia suppress a smirk, she need to praise Hermione Granger’s performance to be nonchalant whole the time. It is same with the Head of DMLE and his Deputy, Harry Evans - Potter and Draco Black Malfoy. They showed no signs of suspecting her but Amelia Bones have years of experience longer than this three young talented Wizards and Witch when it comes to mastering art to be discreet and noticing the oddities.

‘Now what kind of respond I need to tell them,’ Amelia pondered her next step carefully. She knew she could trust three of them but her oldest daughter’s safety and well-being come first. Her Andréa is still too fragile, her daughter still need time and space so she didn’t feel like the walls coming down on her and she got choked. Amelia has no doubt her daughter would flee again if that happen. “Do what you must,” stapling her fingers Amelia leaned back into her chairs resting her elbows on the armchair comfortably. “I won’t want for my finest to burn themselves to chase a wild ghost. But if that is alright for you, knock yourself out.”

Noticing the subtle dismissal three of them tip their heads to her quietly exiting the office and Amelia cracked a tiny grin hearing fainted footsteps hurrying away. “Youth.” She snorted, sighing and chuckles. “Oh well, let them knock themselves, but knowing my Deputy she definitely understand my subtle hints. I hope Andréa forgive me though.” A pause and she sighed. “And if Susan knows…she will burst into my office demanding explanation…” reaching up she massaged her forehead, knowing her birth-daughter, Amelia have no doubt it is matter of time before Susan marching into her.


(Deputy of Ministry of Magic’s Office)

With a slam of the door Hermione stride inside her office and slammed down the leather binder she hold to her desk, completely failed to notice a silent figure seated on the sofa. “Wild Ghost?” She spun around facing her friends, Harry with Draco the later closing the door behind him. “She knows something,” Draco said pointedly earning an exaggerated eye-roll from the brunette.

“Of course she knows something!” Hermione cried out in frustration, give it to the blonde-Auror who somewhat love to point out the obvious in every occasion. Harry who just noticing the silent figure on the couch blink and looked to Hermione with a meaningful look that of course didn’t fail to be notice by Draco or the silent figure. “And you two too know something,” the figure spoke startling Hermione to clutch her heart and squeaking out, “Susan!”

“Good morning.” Susan Bones greeting them evenly, placing away the teacup she had enjoyed while waiting her friends returned, “I just arrived from Hogwarts not ten minutes ago.” Calmly she shifted into a more comfortable position and crossed her legs on her ankles, “is there anything either you or Harry wished to share to me or even with Draco, Hermione?” She inquired, tone remains polite and warm yet the underline danger is palpable for three other occupants of the office to hear. “I would leave if you didn’t want me to know.”

‘Yet.’ Is what Hermione and Harry thoughts and again they traded meaningful look that actually a panic look, Susan Bones never been known as a violent person nor someone who hold a grudge. The woman always composed and matures, but half of the wizards and witches in Britain have witnessed how lethal the woman could be in previous war. Behind that angelic smile, shy nature, Susan Bones is an ambiguity individual no one could predict. Her loyalty to her friends and to the Wizarding Community never surpassed her devotion to her family, yet her loyalty alone enough to make the usually laid-back woman to raise her wand and in previous war, standing regally and majestically even wounded and injured in her duty to protect Hogsmeade amidst dead bodies of her foes that by witnesses and by the evidences they found, killed not by a spell or a curse, but by revealing a hidden talent in transfiguration and nearly inhuman speed. Susan Bones killed all of her foes by her wand she transfigured into a rapier. It seems the rumor she has been taught by her oldest-missing-sister is correct. For the survivors of that day confessed Susan could cut a spell or a curse with her rapier letting her nearly untouched sans from attacks that come from her blind spot or exactly from her back. And yet the longer she fought Death Eaters her movement and speed increasing including her alertness until many believes she developed an eye on the back of her head. And like her oldest-missing-sister, that day Susan too revealed her talent in handling the muggle-weapon, a gun. With a rapier and a gun in hand Susan killed her foes in a frightening succession, the rapier slashed them in short-range combat and the bullet of her gun stopped her foes to apparate-away.

And Hermione, Harry or Draco could stop not to flick their eyes to the black holster strapped on Susan’s left side. The mentioned gun not many able to see in close range let alone holding it, only Harry once allowed to hold it and he had confessed to Hermione and Draco how he felt the gun is not a normal gun, for he felt a surge of magic over flowing his sense from the said weapon. It does gives answers of how Susan’s bullets could penetrated magical-shield of her foes, but when they bring it up to the enigma, Susan give nothing but a mysterious smile revealing nothing and clearly told them even perhaps their conclusion helped them to understand how she could be successful that day, it still not the correct answer.

Harry and Hermione inwardly swallowing hard they didn’t want to offend the enigmatic woman with angelic smile that tricked many people to believe how powerless Susan Bones is. How beneath the entire fragile-looking exterior she could be as deadly as Grim Reaper.

“We believed the mysterious event happening in Diagon Alley last night have everything to do with your birth-mother and the missing-oldest-sister,” Draco said aloud startling Harry and Hermione to whip their heads around and glaring dagger to the blonde Auror who sniffed. “Hey, I have my own brain to connect the dots. Besides, I’m helping you two here.”

“No, you aren’t.” Harry hissed adding “Damn Slytherin,” under his breath but the crook smirk Draco got afterward obviously the blonde heard it, it’s fade fast though when Draco noticed Susan’s eyes hardening, narrowing and gleaming dangerously. The issue of her oldest-sister always a sensitive spot to the young Bones, it is not a secret how Susan adored the famous brilliant witch and -by rumor- a mistress of transfiguration Andréa McGonagall. When her sister vanished mysteriously and one of the Death Eaters they captured mocking her from behind his holding-cell in Azkaban it took Harry, Draco and a half dozen Aurors to stop the enraged Susan Bones not to snap his neck by her hands. Three ‘Stupefy’ from Neville, Hermione and Harry’s wands were required to stop Susan completely and saving the idiot that learn to be a bit wiser after he found his left shoulder destroyed by the enraged Bones and thus lose the ability to move his left hand, forever.

“Have a sit.” Come the cool commanding voice from Susan, her red lips pressed thinly, “and explain to me.”

Hermione Granger might be the genius Deputy of Ministry of Magic, Harry Evans Potter might be Head of Auror, and Draco Black Malfoy might be the cruel and sinister Slytherin Auror, but in front of Susan ‘Angel’ Bones who could be the Goddess of the Death Valkyrie when the situation required, it is not a surprise of how fast three of them occupying any empty chairs or couch and offering explanation complete with amazing details not to see the forbidden Valkyrie to materializing in front of their very eyes…with them as her targets to be tossed to the deepest level of hell.


(Bones’s Manor)

Andy felt reckless for last few minutes she was pacing creating a hole in front of the fireplace wringing her palms, the longer she stayed inside the manor, the stronger the urge to meet her birth-mother. She went here to explain, to reconnect with her family again and yet here she is acting coward. She didn’t like it. She didn’t like to act like she is a criminal in the run. She was the victim for God’s sake!

Overcoming his shock to meet a House-Elf for very first time in his life, Rafael is now enjoying the perk to have such magical creature ready to help him in everything possible including giving him numerous mugs of coffees, “another minute pacing around I won’t help ye when your mom come home out of that fireplace and falls into the hole you create, Commander,” said the Captain smirking like a lazy cat from the sofa where he obviously enjoying his time, shoes are off and legs stretched with head propped up by cushions on one of the arm.

Andy glared deadly at him. “It’s not funny, Rafe!” She tossed her hands to the air in frustration. “How I supposedly tell my mother what happened to me without giving her a heart attack!?”

“The truth.” Rafael said simply again winning another glare. “Listen boss, I speak from my own experience, okay?” Taking a pity of the distressed woman he let loose a sigh. “There are things in our lives we shouldn’t tell a soul, not even to our own mother, father or family. But there are things we should tell them too. It’s my stubborn head that drove me into the jail on the first place. I never able to stop telling myself how idiot I was, had I told mom I won’t land my ass inside a stinky holding-cell. Few of months in my life wasted inside that place when I just could tell her and that mess would never happen.”

“But I don’t know her reaction!” Andy said exasperatedly.

“Same with me, but I entered a jail because of it,” he pointed out calmly. “What you fear off, boss? She cast you away and out of the family? You already a grown-up woman, an adult! You got a nice place in New York, got a family there who ready to be your shoulders-to-cry-on and definitely have skills ready to take any job you want.” He smiled faintly seeing Andy calming a bit by his statement. “I highly doubted your mother would put all blames on you. Maybe she will react harshly- harsher than your ministry-mom, yes she might. It’s too much to take in one time, even you take six years before could go back here. But boss, my Ma once said this, ‘to hate, the person means able to love.’” With a shrug he rests the back of his head completely on the cushion visibly sleepy. “She needs time? Give her all times she need. She gives you six-years, Andy. Six years. Six years not knowing what she had done that drove you away. Six years not knowing where you gone. Six years she put all of her faith in you, to her daughter, and clinging to only hope you would come home one day to return to her. Even my super religious Ma doesn’t have that much patience. It’s up to you to tell her or not. But would it fair for your mom here knows you are here and yet she who gives you the birth, doesn’t know?”

Hands on hips Andy stared to the Latino that now…sounds asleep. “What’s the purpose having four mug of coffees if you in the end snoring like that, Rafe?” sighing she looked to the fireplace, “…would she have me back, Janice?” she asked to the silent room and unfazed the House-Elf trotting inside with her cloak she left in the kitchen.

“Methinks, Mr. Rafael is correct, Ms. Andy.” The tiny creature flicked the cloak using her magic to wrap it around Andy’s shoulders. “Each time Mistress Minerva spending days in her home or here, she would cry herself to sleep. Mistress Amelia needs to take her back to their bedroom and she too, cry. Ms. Susan would sit for hours on the chair inside your room, she won’t sleep until it times for her to go to Hogwarts or the Ministry.”

Her eyes were warming by tears that threatening to spill out. “You are right, Janice. I come here to meet them, not to hide again.” She forced a smile to the little creature and pats her shoulder, “Please watch my friend there for me, okay? If I didn’t return yet, tell mom I went to mother’s place.”

“Hogwarts, Ms. Andy?” the tiny creature asked eagerly.

“Yes.” Grabbing a handful of floo-powders Andy tossed it into the fireplace watching a green flame blazing up and stepped forward, “Hogsmeade!”


Flicking her wand to clean the soot dirtying her attires Andy looked around she had floo herself to Madam Rosmerta’s donning a pair of brown sunglasses Andy moved out from the back of the building, lucky for her the place quite empty after lunchtime. The waiter didn’t even give a glance to her although few males does, quickly exiting the place Andy walked down the familiar path leading to a looming castle that coming closer and closer as she travel further. “I should wear gloves.” She muttered though she didn’t think her palms turned cold and numb over the weather that actually quite warm.

Her eyebrow near shoot up to join her hairline when she saw a blonde familiar woman gliding down the hallway passing her with grey eyes perusing a parchment while holding satchel and two tomes, then the witch halted her step quite abruptly. Neither women spokes let alone moving. The blonde woman who is none other than Narcissa Black staring down blankly to the parchment in hand, her lips pressed thinly to stop any sounds she actually made in the back of her throat.

Thousands of emotions are running inside both witches Narcissa however laden with guilt while Andy, simply closed her eyes. “…it is a war. I just am glad you aren’t with that man anymore, for the obvious lack of wedding ring on your finger.”

Narcissa shakily pressed the parchment to her front in futile attempt to calm her thundering heart. “I wish I could stop him. What he done is unforgivable, and I have no excuses for my…hesitation.”

“Always prudent, huh, Narcissa?” Andy cracked a bitter smile. “How I could blame someone who becomes a victim of her own family’s greediness?” Gliding forward she took a sharp turn to the left moving to opposite side from where the blonde-witch try to go. “I forgive you and many others long ago, Narcissa. Perhaps many would think I am naïve or simply insane. But I won’t do that, simply because I was born in much better family than yours. To hate and blame you means I am ungrateful, even I was shattered, I still have my freedom as who I am and still have a family who loving me and not simply looking at me as a bargaining-chip.” She turned around the corner giving a fleeting look to the other witch that spun around looking at her through watery eyes and Andy offered a gentle smile in return “I forgive you,” and disappeared from Narcissa’s view leaving the blonde-witch covering a sob.

Forgiveness indeed could work much better than any punishment or blind-hatred. Andy just hopes her mother could forgive her to bring so much anguish for the last six years. Stopping in front of the door leading to the Headmistress Office, she hesitate for a second before lifting up her right knuckle and raped it on the thick wood.

A clip “Come in” could be heard from the other side of the door.

Taking a necessary deep breath, Andy shut her eyes tight as she grabbed the handle sending a quick prayer that she isn’t making the situation worsening than already. Pushing it open she stepped inside, closing the door quickly behind her, doe-brown-eyes didn’t scan the empty office as it fixed to the Headmistress standing next to her chair with her back on her and hands clasped behind her, staring out of the window deep in her own world.

How funny the portraits that usually busy gossiping all went silent, Andy refused to look around, to see them peering curiously and anxiously at her and to the Headmistress, gathering her courage she whispered, “Hello mother.”

fic: dwp, pairing miranda/andy, title: question series

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