16th Questions: Moving On Part 2

Aug 13, 2012 08:54

Chapter 16th. Moving On - Part 2.

Author Notes: I am in Fire! Yes! I am indeed in fire! Could any of my readers of this story believe that I wrote chapter 14th, 15th and this chapter all in less than 12 hours? It took me awhile to flirt and woo my muse to work with chapter 14th, she refused the cookies, teas and sodas I used as baits but once I bring down the ultimate weapon in name of hot cappuccino with hazelnut syrup from Starbucks she bestowed me with amazing ideas, and thus! I worked for 12 hours nonstop and three chapters, more than 11K words come out from my talented-fingers and my new CPU! Er, ehem, pardon my sudden cheerfulness, I blamed the sugar-high.

Warning: As I have said on the previous chapters and of course on the Author Notes above, clearly there would be in no possible way I could find any Beta in twelve hours. So once again I announced my usual warning, anyone who doesn’t like the female-female relationship, doesn’t like my not-awesome English, please kindly leave my story alone. But they, who like, please drop a review. It gives me more boosts! And I still in my sugar-high, another boost I will get burn for sure, but reviews always be the sweet cookies for every writer! So please, review! (^_^)

Moving On - Part 2.

Spending her time calculating each of her movements, steps and counters she need to do send Andy unaware of the time. She falls asleep for hours albeit it is a kind of a sleep where you would get awake just because you breath too hard and all of sudden too chirpy voice rang loudly from the speaker: “This is your Pilot the Handsome Rafael Rivera-Spencer, announcing we would land on a private airport slightly away and a bit to the right and another bit to the left from the famous Heathrow Airport, all in less than fifteen minutes. And oh I should add I am still single here, men and women could attract me. So to my lone and yet so pretty passenger -who look so pretty even sleeping with open mouth and drooling but hey I won’t dare flirt her knowing certain Queen would use me in next BBQ party she got- knew this cute chic or adorable dude that want to have some of funs or having seriousness to get some kind of relationship, please tell them to call 0-800-the handsome-Latino-” he never had time to finish his bubbly announcement as Andy barked out laughter that prompted the cheeky pilot’s own laughter.

“Rafe!” Making sure she already unbuckled the strap Andy flung forward crossing the short distance into the cockpit and slip her upper-body through small hole-like-door to punch laughing Rafe’s arm and hugged him. “I can’t belief you are here!” Andy squealed.

“Hey, one for all and all for one, Commander!” Rafael grinned, patting her arm and helping Andy to sit on the front. “I told you I volunteered and assigned to assist you, boss. So yeah, you are practically my direct boss aside another Deputy Commander.”

“Kate, huh?” chuckling Andy sat on the front. “Why won’t you say anything?”

“You got a serious look, Lt.,” said Rafael smiling knowingly at her with admiration visible in his eyes. “I think, the look you have back then until you fall asleep was the look of the famous Lt. Commander Sachs. It’s really enthralling.”

Blushing prettily, “thank you for your praise, just be sure don’t let Miranda to know,” Andy teased. “I doubted she is a person who could take jealousy quietly.” She snickers watching Rafael visibly shivering in his seat. “That’s why I told you the Queen would use me in next BBQ’s party, Lt.” he shuddered in fear. “Please don’t tell her.”

“If you tell me how you know my plan?”

“Are you out of mind?” Rafael gaped at her. “I think every member of forces in Europe already got kicked in the asses to wakeup since before we takeoff to guard you, boss!”

That darkened Andy’s blush. “Uncle.” She sighed immediately knowing who the culprit is. “I told him my plan and I do tell him he didn’t need to do anything with…” on Rafael’s pout she arched her brow, “What?”

“You preferred for some 60’s baldy to pilot you to London instead with this handsome Latino? That’s hurt, chief! Hurt!” he faked a sob even weeping and dramatically dabbing the edge of his long-sleeves shirt to the corner of his eyes.

“Oh for heaven’s sake, stop be so dramatic!” Andy groaned face-palmed growling on the snickers from the only other occupant of the plane. “You know what? Once we returned to New York I think I will introduce you with someone I know, a baldy bespectacled very dramatic gay I know.”

“If he likes to party, I’m on with it.” Rafael said offhandedly winning an eye roll from exasperated Andy. “Oh believe me, Nigel would be your partner-in-crime.” Shaking her head Andy licked her lips, “say Rafe,” she paused as Rafael rested a comforting palm on her shoulder. “Say no more, Lt.” Rafael flashed an assuring smile. “This Latino will be there 24/7 on your side no matter where and when and especially in this very nation.”

Reaching up to cover his larger hand by her smaller palm, “Thank you,” said Andy earning a comforting squeeze from the cheeky pilot. “Clean up, lady,” said Rafael jerking his head to random direction of where a restroom located on the back of the plane. “And could you prepare me a coffee? Once we landed I think I need a cup or two.”

“Sure thing.” Moving to the back of the plane to get clean up and refresh her makeup Andy went to the small kitchen making a coffee for both of them. “What’s about transportation, Rafe?”

“Already taken care of. I got my guys already waiting in cars,” Rafael replied aloud from the front. “We’ll go to the hotel firstly, courtesy to your lover though!”

“Miranda?” Andy blinked.

“I quoted, ‘no way I will allow Andréa to sleep in some unknown place,’” Rafael sniggered as Andy went red. “Told ya she’s wooing ya!” he sung.

“Oh shut it!”

“Aye, aye, but now take a seat lass, land-ho in 3 minutes,” Rafael warned.

Quickly placing away the coffee-maker Andy went to the nearest seat and buckled-up, she really admired Rafael’s piloting-skill as she near didn’t feel anything as they landed on the landing strip. Once the plane is running down the runway Andy noticed Rafe piloted the plane away and straight to a hangar. “VVIP service and direct order from higher-ups to keep low-profiles,” said Rafael knowing she must be wondering why they entered the hangar, switching off the engine and all the computer system Rafael unbuckled himself and exit the cockpit. Just then Andy noticed he have his gun holster under his left armpit. “Rafe?” alerted Andy watched him looking out of the window with his left hand stretch to the side palm facing her with his right hand rested comfortably on top of his gun.

“So many people aware how this land brought nothing but sadness, grieves, misery and torments for few years to you before your mysterious departure, Commander,” he continued to peer outside into the hangar where two black unmarked sedans each in front and behind of a black Jaguar. “Even we got my boys out there but we still got the locale-agents, so keep your wand close to you and be cautious. I will check their identities firstly and heard what my boys said.” He shot a fleeting look to his lone passenger smirking to find Andy’s cool look returning, “that’s my girl, and your gun is exactly under the chair you currently occupied, take it with you.” He praised unlocking the hatch while swiftly opening his holster and unlocking the safety of his gun he pushed the hatch open waiting for the stairs automatically coming out he hold up his left palm now in front of him.

“Hold there, buddies! I got an important cargo! Security procedure firstly! Come forward one by one, including anyone inside the cars, hands above your heads and where I could see! If not don’t blame me you will get a bullet between your eyes! And to hell to your laws! State your name, rank, position and the number of goddamn badge or even your sex-card!” He demanded aloud while climbing down the short flight of steps while inside Andy rolled her eyes, “Cheeky bastard,” she muttered. Though Andy by long-and-yet-not-forgotten training pressed herself to the chair so no one outside could see her but she could see them, her eyes shifting from one to another men outside. Quietly and now fully understand why Rafael didn’t switch on the lamps inside the plane Andy reached down under her chair to pull out a leather bag, unzipping it she saw a gun with two boxes of bullets that gives her at least fifty bullets plus the bullets that already inside the small gun. Checking the magazine, “9 bullets, that’s enough,” she mused and put the gun inside the leather holster she strapped it on her right hips and covering it with her overcoat while transferring the two boxes of bullets into her handbag. She waited patiently until Rafael climbed up the jet with two men from their postures and the tattoos on their wrists Andy easily recognized them as fellow-members of Rafael’s ex-division, “Blackbird 33rd,” she said.

“Commander.” The two new guards, a visible Latino and dark-skinned men saluted her while Rafael introduced them. “This Spanish guy is Alfredo Alfonso and that guy is Derek Jameson, they are Alf and D.” He punched their arms playfully, friendly, winning a smile from Andy who stood up regally and saluted them. “Andy Sachs.” She said offering her hand for them to take and shake.

“An honor, Commander.” Each man said respectfully, the name of Andy Sachs after all have become a legend after the Wizarding War that breaks out in Great Britain and Europe.

“Alf is a sniper and D is a scout.” Rafael informed earning a nod from Andy, he was amazed and proud to see the ‘Commander’ transformed in front of his eyes. “Status of the men outside?” Andy asked casually but it is one of the most basic procedures.

“Two of five are from the U.S. Embassy and the other three is British Citizens that worked for us,” Alfredo reported, tone is all-business. “They would be our drivers.”

Andy pursed her lips, “backup plan? Any of you memorized the direction to the nearest emergency area if any situation arises?” Trading looks Derek smirked, “we have been stationed here for last few months, Commander, we remembered our routes.”

“We got the ground covered, Commander.” Alfonso stated patting his left side with a lopsided smirk, “we’re ready to open a path for you and Captain to takeoff if necessary.”

“Alright.” Satisfied Andy glanced out of the window and reach for her handbag while Rafael easily pick up her suitcase, “let’s move out.”


(London, UK)

The motorcade went to the hotel firstly to allow Andy and exhausted Rafael to get a proper rest which means they spent a night. On morning Andy just picked up her phone when a staccato sound come from her hotel door, “if you didn’t bring a breakfast don’t you dare enter my room, Rafe!” she shouted smirking as the door swung open and Rafael pushed a cart of food inside, “I’m the bellboy now?” he pouted letting his boys to close the door behind him.

“Right, right. And good morning to both of you,” Andy smiled warmly. “You might make a call to get breakfast or simply joined Rafael because after this we would move out.” She offered amused as Alfonso and Derek grinned. “Aye, ma’am.” They went to the cart joining Rafael to savor their breakfast inside the living-room of the suite. Flipping open her phone Andy punched a speed-dial that would connect her with certain lover of hers, not surprisingly the call got pick up on the first ring.


“Hi.” Blushing on the knowing smirk Rafael got, Andy slipped into her bedroom closing the door while he guffaws Andy rolled her eyes. “Sorry. It’s Rafe. He is with me. Do you know anything about it?”

“‘Now Andréa,’” Miranda drawled though from her tone the Editor clearly is smirking. “‘Did you know that I have Commander Harper in my speed-dial? Why you think I will know anything about the Captain piloting the plane for you?’”

“Oh my gosh!” groaning in embarrassment Andy falls to the bed bouncing slightly and rolled to her side. “You cheeky vixen! Even NSA already under your control!”

“‘Mmm, perhaps,’” again Andy could imagine Miranda casually studying her nails when she said that, smugly Andy noted. “I miss you.” Andy whispered laughing shakily. “This is insane. We just part away for 24 hours top and yet I miss you so much. I miss the girls and I miss my baby.”

“‘I miss you too Andréa.’” Miranda sighed forlornly but knowing it do no good to both of them if they continued this atmosphere she changed the topic. “‘How’s the hotel? I hope the accommodation is satisfactory.’”

Smiling as she understand what her lover try to do, “very,” Andy smiled wider even she knew Miranda cannot see. “However,” a pause and she burst out laugh. “I cannot believe what you told Emily to prepare everything here.”

“‘Don’t be ridiculous, darling. Emily got paid to do her job not to questioning my orders and requests.’”

Inhaling deeply to comfort herself, “I’ll be mostly in mobile today,” Andy hinted. “I don’t know yet could I meet them, but I do plan to meet them either one-by-one or everyone in same time. Though the later would stop the tormenting feeling to repeat my words again and again, but the image of all of them inside one room with their eyes on me… I think I’ll hyperventilate before I could even start.”

“‘Don’t push yourself, Andréa.’” Now Miranda sounded genuinely worried. “‘Please, take your time. Its better you take your time and yet healthy enough to return to New York instead you rush things and got hospitalized there for weeks. Please. Do it for me?’”

“I will, Miranda.” Closing her eyes Andy sigh. “I will.”


(New York: ‘F&G Hotel’)

On the day where the candidates gathering inside the lobby of the hotel that not yet operating, Mandy, C.J. and Kate Harper are all watching their guests from the hidden room behind the front-desk. Using Kate and Mandy’s connections, all of their candidates received ‘orders’ from their direct-commander or someone in higher-up directly above them to go to this place.

“What kind of bulls you two come up with to get them here?” C.J. asked scanning the lobby studying each of the candidates carefully.

“Mine was simply for their captains to tell them to come to the lobby hotel of this hotel, today and at this time,” Kate said dully much for the amuse look C.J. shot to her. “Okay. Mandy?” she asked the female-lawyer who shrugged her shoulders. “A supernatural committee that work for the government in need of a legal advice.” There was a long silent and she turned around to see the two tall women on her sides gives her what clearly a half-disbelieve-look and a half-struggling-not-to-laugh facial expressions. “Hey, I have my own way to test them.”

“And neither of you dropped your names?” C.J. inquired distracting herself so she won’t burst out laugh.

“Not to these individuals, no,” Kate confessed with Mandy again casually said, “Nope.”

“Well,” lifting up these women’s folders and her suitcase, “let’s the party begin,” C.J. smirked.


London, UK.

For the nth time Andy rubbed her palms to the black slacks she wore, looking to her wristwatch she replay her plan inside her head. First person she’ll approach would be Amelia Bones, the Ministry of Magic, in a restaurant located in a Diagon Alley. Using a mysterious letter she writes from the team went with her she knew Amelia Bones received the letter and had cleared her day immediately.

Now the hardest part is to go there, it’s not difficult actually as Andy using Glamour to hide her real identity to avoid unwanted attentions in her way to meet one of her mothers. Rafael led his team strolling leisurely far behind her blending with other wizards and witches perfectly while Andy left alone walking in front of them. Her heart clenching many times as she saw familiar figures, people she knew, people that once her friends, quickening her pace she breath in relief as she come to the restaurant and without pausing she moved up to the stairs. The maître d' only gives a slight bow to welcome her, he is already used for wizards and witches to go there and didn’t want to talk or drop their names. The place after all is famous for a rendezvous of a young couple…or they who want to have affairs.

Andy had practically scandalous herself to suggest her mom to go to this place, but she knew there is no more perfect place for a Ministry of Magic to go following the direction of a mysterious letter without having a dozen Aurors following her. And from what she gathered Andy knew the Head of Auror is one of her best friends that she isn’t ready yet to be confronted.

‘But really, writing a love letter to my own mom?’ She practically cooked her brain alive though Rafael, who is the culprit of such amazing idea guffawing and hooting his ass off, does give a good idea, still! Climbing to the top of the stairs she casually scanned the second floor tipping her head slightly to another waiter but she caught a glimpse of a person seated on the corner of the second floor, securely behind a high-partition big enough to cover entire table. ‘Of course, mom won’t want to be seen by public in this place let alone with a secret-admirer.’ Her eyes darted to the left corner where she saw two Aurors seated on their table enjoying foods and drinks acting like they weren’t there to follow and guarding their ministry.

Andy went rigid but forced herself to move, she have no other choice, at least they only saw her Glamour-form and not her real form, she could feel their burning gazes on her back as she moved to direction where only one table located and the table occupied by their direct boss. To Andy’s relief however per her instruction the waiter already placed dinners and wines on the table so most likely they won’t be disturbed, hopefully.

She paused slightly as the occupant of the table looked away from gazing blankly out of the window to look at her, false-green eyes glazing before Andy could stop it she was a second too late to look away and stiffly took a seat opposite of the woman whom watching her intently. Neither spoken and Andy peered up surprised to see Amelia Bones’ brilliant grey-eyes watering, the steel-lady of the Britain Ministry of Magic who had faced so much worse of the worse time one never wish to have, “…child…” she croaked through quivering lips. Shaky hand stretch across the table prompting Andy’s hand to reach up and took her hand, intertwining their fingers as she gives a faint sob. “…How you know?”

“…not many knows my favorite,” Amelia gives her own faint sob. “From my foods, the way I want it, to my wine, even the single white rose I always preferred to have when I dined outside…” a pause as she need to swallow a sudden lump choking her throat, “and I was the one who help you to write, of course I know, I will always remember your handwriting.” With a gentle tug but insistently “come here, seat next to me,” Amelia drew Andy to sit on the chair exactly next to her and perfectly hidden by the screen before hugging her tightly. “Oh child.” The Ministry sobbed into Andy’s false-blonde hairs, “where you have gone? What we had done that you left without news, without looking back?”

“No mom.” Andy bit her lips to muffle her cry, “it’s none of your faults.”

“Then why, child?” Amelia questioned her through tears that flowing heavily. “Why you left? Are you coming home now? Or to visit and left again?” She felt Andy tensed and snapped her eyes shuts, tightening her hug around her missing oldest daughter, “don’t. Please don’t leave again. Please, Andréa. Whatever it is, we could face it, as a family.”

“I love you.” Andy croaked to Amelia’s neck. “I…I can’t promise I will stay here. It’s far too hurt, mom. It’s so hurting.” The desperate way of her oldest daughter clinging to her, palms balling into fists on her back alerted Amelia. “Tell me, sweetheart. Tell me.” She urged softly, stroking Andy’s blonde-tresses. Pulling away slightly Andy looked up through watery eyes, her vision was blurring from so much tears she have and whatever sorrow her mom saw in her eyes Amelia’s tears too dampening her face. “Oh child. Tell me. Nothing, nothing you did or what happen to you; would ever make me less loving you.” Without losing her hug around her daughter Amelia skillfully flicked her wand to create an illusion around their table and to hide any sounds to be heard. “Now tell me sweetheart. What is it?”

Reaching for the goblet Andy took a large gulp of her wine to dry her throat that even after two gulps still so dry, raw and throbbing. “It was on the day where my division got invade, mom.” She cupped the goblet taking comfort of the dark-red liquor and her mom’s palm that continue stroking her hairs, one of many things she missed so much from her family.

Amelia has a pained look. “That man already dead, Andréa. Harry killed him. It’s over.”

“For him.” Andy swallowed hard tentatively looking up to the ministry that paused on her task stroking her daughter’s hairs. “…the one who invade my base was not whom Harry killed, mom,” another swallowed and in barely audible voice she whispers, “Its Tom Riddle Junior, his son.” And that’s it, the dam gate opened and what she hides whole these years flowing out of her lips, of how she was the only survivor, kidnapped and tortured, and later on losing her mind and wasn’t aware giving birth of a child result of continuous rape. Her rejection, her acceptance only to be cruelly receiving deepest anguish as her child went crystallized. “I need to get out. I need to leave. I need to forget. Yet I can’t! I want her! I want my baby girl to wake up! So I could apologize! So I could tell her how sorry I am! That what I said back then, how I acted, aren’t true! That I want her! That she’s mine! Only mine!”

“Oh my daughter, my Andréa,” Amelia hugged the young woman that now sobbing hysterically to her chest.

“I can’t mom. I just can’t be here anymore!”

“I know. Now I know. I know sweetheart. I know.” Amelia could only repeated such words over and over again, stroking her daughter’s hairs, rubbing her back, whole the time not caring her own tears that continued wetting her face. The matriarch of House of Bones looks so heartbroken just like her oldest daughter in her arms that broken down, completely shatters. Amelia knew she cannot do anything, she cannot turn back the time, and what she could do now is to accept such horrible fact happen to one of her girls, one of her most precious daughters and regret how whole these years she wasn’t there in her time of need. Neither of their family’s members was there for Andy. “Let it out, sweetheart. Let it out. Mommy is here.” Amelia murmured wiping her tears with the back of her left palm and continued hugging her daughter that already a grown-up woman yet she easily deposited her on her lap, rocking her back and forth like she was a toddler.


New York, US: F&G Hotel’s Lobby.

“What all of you know about magic and supernatural being?” was what Mandy boldly asked aloud silencing the lobby and turning attention to her as she strode assertively while C.J. and Kate lingered behind to hide their giggles.

“Excuse me?” Abbie Carmichael the redhead Texan Federal Prosecutor looked at Mandy as if she is insane. “Are you the one who gives the mumbo-jumbo to my boss about a supernatural-committee and I need to attend this meeting to find out that this is not some kind of a joke?”

“Yeah I did,” placing her briefcase next to empty chair on the very right side of three chairs on one long desk, “hello everyone, my name is Mandy Hampton,” Mandy sniffed haughtily, “this insane madwoman unfortunately worked as the head of Legal - Counsel of the White House.” She looked to her friends who calmly reached to their own seats. “This tall brunette is C.J. Gregg the famous and daily-could-be-seen-in-CNN Press Secretary and that blonde is Commander Kate Harper Deputy of NSA.” Turning back to Abbie and to every stunned woman, “yes, we gather all of you here for the magical and supernatural committee issue is for the sake of April’s Fool we forgot to do this year. So much that we make sure this hotel surrounded by at least fifty Secret Service’s agents, Federal Agents and whatever soldiers Commander Harper could pull, fully armed, all paid by the good citizens’ taxes. Any question?”

C.J. is the one who struggling to suppress her smirk while Kate Harper, remain cool as ever even mentally entertain by their friend’s sassiness. Abbie pressed her lips thinly looking around to female lawyers and detectives that mostly she knew or have heard by names before taking a seat and quietly said, “I’m listening.”

“That’s my girl!” Mandy beamed and wave her right palm as C.J. looked away to muffle a snort accompanied with a snicker. “Ignore C.J. she just drank too much wine and seated next to a blonde always make her giddy.”

“Excuse me?” C.J. glared to her friend while the women in front of them all suppressed their smiles as Mandy muttering, “Typical of a brunette, always in denial,” rolled her eyes and took her seat. Kate on the other hand kindly guided C.J. to take her seat and not clawing their friend’s eyes out. “Ladies,” Kate looked up and around, holding their gazes sharply silently telling them she is an exact opposite with Mandy or C.J. that seems easily find many things funny. “You are here because as Counselor Hampton has hints, magic and supernatural beings do exist.”

“Really?” Serena Southerly, one of the New York ADAs arched her eyebrow.

“Ever heard Harry Potter?” C.J. asked casually.

“One wonderful magical novel,” Alex Cabot replied.

“Would you believe when we said that man does exist and the Wizarding War in Great Britain actually just ended not six years ago?” This time they all are startled when with two soft pops and Fred with George appeared behind three ladies-chairs on the front with the three ladies of course already planned this grandiose ‘entrance’ didn’t even flinch. “Fred and George Weasley, ladies, nice to meet you.” Both waved toward dumbfounded women and looked down. “And three ladies, we leave our hotel to your capable hands.”

“You want to go?” Mandy shifted slightly on her chair to look up at the two tall British-men. “And here I thought you could rattle their chains by, what, creating something?”

“Conjuring, Ms. Hampton.” Both wizards corrected her in their uncanny unisons, smirking wolfishly. “Sorry, rattling ladies’ chains just not our cups of teas,” they coked their heads to the sides, again, in that uncanny unison as their eyes hardening. “We got a meeting with U.S. Ministry of Magic, thanks to you, Commander.”

“He just want to,” Kate paused a second to remember what the man has said to her, “record your wands?” She smirk as both again got their wolfish grins clearly having ‘illegal’ plans while C.J. playfully said, “careful boys, one particular princess of Nymph would hung you two upside-downs from highest building in this country by roots around your ankles.”

“Our girl is on the Britain right now, what she doesn’t know won’t harm us,” they drawled and eyes brightening mischievously, “besides, we have lots of wands, having one or two to be recorded ain’t a problem at all.”

“I heard nothing,” Mandy looked away while C.J. cleared her throat again suppressing a smirk, Kate chuckles. “Just don’t drive cars, okay? I did give you IDs but finding out you two insists a telephone is a telehorn until your girl corrected you two, both of you need an intense driving-class before I allowed you come close to any car and to drive.”

“Au contrary, Commander,” both now have ear-to-ear splitting grins, “we do have a flying car back home, ya know? And we really are a great driver.”

“Flying car?” Kate turned around twitching as the two British-men waving cheekily at her. “Ain’t telling ya~!” they sung hooting as they apparate away with soft pops leaving Kate staring to empty spots and turned to her friends, “Flying Car?” she repeated.

“Yeah,” C.J. looks unsure, “I can’t remember on which book, but I think the series does mention a flying car.”

“Oh.” Kate looked adorable when she just learn such information and correct her position she folded her arms while staring blankly to her laptop screen. “…I know I should read the contract better.”

“You offered the contracts without knowing such things?” Mandy cried out, “Kate!”

“Don’t angry at me,” Kate sighed and shrugged her shoulders; “I never read novels.”

“And what you read on your free time?” C.J. inquired.

“Criminal records?” Kate asked back sending C.J. face-palmed while Mandy cracked a lopsided smirk, “The lifeless Commander with a full of life Press Secretary, a match made in heaven,” she teased the clueless C.J. who frowned and looked up at her, “What’s that suppose to mean?”

“Despite graduated from Berkley you really are one clueless buddy,” Mandy patted her back and turned to the front, face completely emotionless and serious even her eyes dancing in mirth as her friend, C.J. could only staring at her, speechless. While Kate sighs audibly, “now you aware my misery…”

Not wanting for C.J. to ask questions that have nothing to do with the meeting, “now, let’s start,” Mandy opened her folder, “this meeting actually is a job-opportunity, an interview for you to join a special team that would be worked for cases that related to the magical and supernatural issues,” looking up she hold their gazes sternly, clearly the fun time is over. “Every year there would be an examination from the government, every government in this planet, to select their best children to enter the Divisions that known as the Blackbird. Blackbird is a modernization of the most ancient law and enforcement or Police-Forces that back on the time known as the Enforcer.”

“Years now they are known as Blackbirds,” Kate joined the explanation, “please open the brown-sealed-envelopes on your desk.” She waited until each of the women in front of them has the folders they have placed since beginning. “Like every other forces that have another forces to watch each other back, U.S. Government working closely with U.S. Ministry of Magic’s Governments, decided to rebuild and reopen the Enforcer’s Division.” Again she waited until attentions turned at her, “and this is only the beginning,” Kate said. “Blackbirds Divisions as examples, have its members from around the world, located around the globe.”

“1st - 10th located on the West 11th - 20th on the North that covered U.S. to European Continent,” said C.J. “21st - 30th is on the East.”

“Asia.” Olivia Benson said quietly.

“Correct.” C.J. nodded her head in confirmation. “Under 30th is on the Middle-East. Now, Blackbird is more into military-type thus could cover such immense areas. Enforcer on the other hand we planned to be smaller but hopefully, more efficient. This is a special force. That means you could guess the Enforcer’s Division would receive high privilege, better payment, ranks and positions. However, as you could deduce from the name itself, of the question Mandy throw to you on the very beginning of this meeting, what you see, what you hear, what you had learned whole these years, still pale in comparison what members of the Blackbirds, has witness.”

“The idea for this division to be formed comes up after the Wizarding War that breakout in Great Britain where 19th Division of the Blackbird located, yet they got invaded and practically wiped out with only a single survivor whom witnessing the worst nightmare come true of things that most of us refused to believes yet does exists. More than 20 thousands members of the Blackbirds, half of it are our best men and women, slaughtered.” Mandy’s lips pressed thinly. “Most of the public ignorance, most of us who knows arrogance were the one that lead to that massacred. For Blackbird have no backup at all. And a woman, one lone survivor that back then not yet turned twenty years old,” she paused to take a shaky breath with C.J. look away to blink back tears while Kate simply dropped her gaze to the screen of her laptop again, “is the only one eye-witness and Britain nearly collapsed, conquered by the madman that most of you know only a fictional character but actually was exist. He died in hands of Harry Evans - Potter. But it open so many eyes, how one division is not enough to protect a nation, and that girl unleashed her power to the very highest to manslaughter her foes by herself stopping the enemy’s forces not to invade the European main-land and helped to ended the war as the unknown heroine that never been said in that famous series. But even with Harry killed the leader, without her help, perhaps by now, European Main - Land would be in total chaos of war.”

“I know that girl. Three of us know her, C.J. and I knew her personally, a brilliant bright girl that supposedly entered Stanford yet she bravely go there, for duty called her, postponing her study when she already got a scholarship. For she have powers, gifts that not many of us have it and yet so many of us ignore and fear of it. For she knew how dangerous that madman and his fellow cruel followers, thus they should be stopped in every cost and in every way necessary. Even that means she paid the ultimate price by herself.” Mandy rested her palms on each side of the open folder she have. “So I could assure each of you I wasn’t joking at all when I gathered most of you, the attorneys to be certain, by bringing up magic and supernatural issues. Because we does have them. We have the damn Special Courthouse and High Courts. And they? Blend and mix among you for millenniums, unknown to most of you. Just like us, among them they got the insane men and women, but their insanity blended with their powers and gifts and talents, the war in Great Britain is what they capable to do. Only with less than 50 thousands followers, only with a magic-wand and hocus-pocus spells, the oldest kingdom on earth nearly fall in less than a year of their open uprising.”

Tilting up her chin she looked around, sharply. “You think this nation won’t suffer same fate?” Mandy pursed her lips as she still could see some of them have skeptic looks. “You might skeptical, but we who knew and continued following those madness, knew better.”

“…such?” Jo Polyznack asked quietly from her spot.

“Such like the one who slaughter that division wasn’t the father but his son.” Kate said evenly. “And that man still free out there, do remember, he alone slaughter more than 5000 well-train wizards and member of races such elves and the likes in Blackbird 19th Division, you think how many normal soldiers and police officers, fully armed need to bombardier him with bullets before we could stop him? Especially he just likes the twin Weasley you have witness, capable to teleport in a split second? That most of the members of the races could move in speed of sounds?”

Alex Cabot cleared her throat lightly, “pardon me, but I still not understand why we are here. That sound more to military instead enforcer’s duty.”

“Au contrary,” C,J. grimaced. “Had we have Enforcers we could capture him far before he grew strong.

“And put him on a trial?” Abbie asked.

Calmly Mandy looked down to her open folder, the conversation after all, directed exactly like they have practiced and just like she wants. “In 1995, Abbie Carmichael you lost five cases in row before you went to SUV.” She peered up to the Texan whom stiffened. “Those five cases have the perpetrators actually three wizards that helped that very man to grow strong and later on lead into the massacre of the Blackbird 19th Division.”

All bloods drained from Abbie’s face but Mandy went on. “In 1999, Alex Cabot, you failed to nail your case and let loose a half-werewolf to rape and kill more than 200 women down on the South after he flew out of this nation, killed more than 60 officers from Blackbird 44th on Nigeria, before he could be killed. Serena Southerly, in 1997 - 1998, you failed to jail five werewolves and two were-cats that man-slaughtering several hundred souls again on Africa and near 112 officers from Blackbird 41st, 46th, and 49th. Casey Novak, before you went to New York, you failed to put an insane elf into a prison and let him joined the massacre in Great Britain and on south France. Olivia Benson, no thanks to you following your partner that clearly have an issue with his anger, advice, let loose a half-wizard man that become a creator of the magical bomb used in the European Wizard’s Uprising or the Harry Potter’s war, raped, slaughter, torment more than several thousands of souls ¾ of them are normal non-magical-humans, and become the mad-professor that helped that very Junior to born including to gain such powerful magic over his inhuman humans-experiences although the victims are mostly are members of races, creating inhuman half-immortal monster. Jo Polyznack in your case was your inability to find evidences and let loose two most wanted criminals declared by every Blackbird in Asia. Lucky you, Commander Harper were the one who killed them before they cost this nation a victim.”

Not caring how most of them already paler than ghosts, “when I explained what you fails are not to put the blames on you,” Mandy said calmly. “What done is done, it cannot be changed. What I said is a solid proof of they does exist.”

“You all gathered here because your background of your careers, your track records and how we tried to give our faiths in you, to put more and more of them into jails and not let them loose out on the public.” C.J. took a deep breath. “Ladies, the facts Mandy says are only known by all of us inside this very hotel’s lobby and they who wrote the information for us. Once again it is not to force you, but to make you see what you failed to do in this new team, new force, could be done. This force would give a great danger to each of you if you decided to take part inside the team. This force is not like FBI, DEA, or CIA. Higher than them actually, for we have our own court system, and now, we are preparing for the Enforcement system.” Her tactful speech that drawing them out from their guilty feeling working as bit by bit colors returning to their faces.

“The HQ would be here, on New York and in this very hotel, actually on the building behind this hotel. In front of the public you worked here in this hotel for your undercover, but for they worked in forces, polices or military, you would be well-known of who you are.” C.J. clapped her palms lightly, rubbing it as she chooses her words carefully. “The court system is far more severe than the public courthouse would give. Blackbird Division mostly received nothing but an approval to kill the perpetrator on spot. It sounds like you will do the dirty job, which it is. Just like what I did every day, Mandy and Kate.”

“The lone survivor of that massacre told me before she went away where she decided to face her fears, to meet her family and friends and tell them the reason why she suddenly disappeared for near five years. ‘A war takes so many lives cruelly and brutally thus always gather attentions, yet we always forget, the price to keep the peace and to protect is far greater than what a war takes.’ And that is why you all are here. Because we are in peaceful time at very present but it doesn’t close the possibility of what happen that most of us who knew knows it as the Great War in Wizarding World of European, that only ended six years ago and yet no one aware of it sans mostly knows it through novels. Yet the families of the twenty thousands who died from Blackbird 19th Division, even doesn’t know -perhaps- of why they died, still mourning of their lost.” Pulling away from the table she leaned back into her chair. “So take your time. You could stay here for nights and days, rooms are prepared already above and blamed yourself if you didn’t follow our instructions to come with packed-clothes in bag, but it is part of the interview, the time you decided to leave this place with or without your answers, we will come into a conclusion to accept you or not. To heavy? Too much stress? Than perhaps you simply didn’t fit with the job’s description. Because even the Enforcer, the new Division, the new Force we offered to you at very present might worked for New York only, as Mandy has explained, the consequence is to the entire planet. Not for only this nation, not only for non-magical person, but every living-being in this very world.” She traded a look with her friends, right and left, each of them gives a small nod and C.J. regarded them again, “one of us would be here as our duty and job could call us anytime, but I advise you to calm yourself, take a rest, and take your times. That’s all for now.”


London, UK: Diagon Alley.

Wiping her tears after crying so hard Andy felt emotionally exhausted. She let her mom to pay the tab, bring their untouched dinner home including herself, Amelia wrapped an arm around Andy’s back guiding her out of her chair and cast a warning look to her Aurors that tried to approach. Noticing her signal they stop though giving curious look, wondering whose the blonde that slumped to their boss’s side and how the Ministry hugging her protectively.

Quietly Amelia guided her daughter out of the restaurant, “wait,” Andy said hoarsely stopping her mom that ready to side-apparates them to the Bones’s Manor. “I need to tell Rafael. He is the guard Uncle Jed sends to me.”

“Let us go to meet him then,” said Amelia even actually she wants nothing but to bring her daughter back into Bones’s manor. “Kay,” Andy tugged Amelia to guide her to correct direction to where she knew her bodyguards waiting her, her eyebrow arched up though when she only see Derek and the British staff that worked for the embassy. “Derek? Where are others?”

“Ma’am” he nodded his head firmly to Andy and Amelia, “Alf was behind us and Rafe went out ‘cuz our phones didn’t work here,” he blinked when both women in front of him have their eyes widened in fears and two wands of the two witches whipped forward pointing at his direction but actually not him, but the local helper that once he spun around Derek cursed out loud, “Shit!” he whipped his gun out even to the man that now have his eyes went completely black and parting his mouth that now have sharp fangs, chuckling insanely. “How lucky, the Ministry and the missing commander, would be a tasty dinner for me.”

Derek’s finger pulled the trigger several times in time a shout of “Incendio!” accompanied with “Reducto!” rang loudly.


New York, U.S.: F&G Hotel’s Lobby.

“I got Rafe!” said Mandy waving her phone before picking up the call while C.J. saw her writing down something on her notepad, Kate who were watching the candidates whispering to each other or simply sat blankly arched her brow when C.J. gasped loudly. “Wait!” the Press Secretary snatched Mandy’s notepad. “Kate!” as she read something Mandy just wrote C.J. turned to the blonde commander. “Show me your laptop again!”

“You want to see this?” Kate looked surprise even she is alerted as C.J. snatched the laptop turning the screen to see what that turned her paler than a sheet of paper. “C.J.? What?” she sat up straighter peering to see the screen that still showing London Police Officer’s that announced ‘Killed in Action’ three months ago, “William Brown, Killed in Action three months ago,” Kate read, “What’s with him?”

“Yeah, give me back my notepad,” Mandy demanded only to blink when C.J. slammed the notepad on the table and pointed to one name. “William Brown, London Police Officer!” she said aloud pointing to the notepad and to Kate’s laptop before head whipped around to stare to Mandy who have all bloods drained from her face. “He supposedly dead three months ago, Mandy! Why you write his name!? What’s this name list means!?”

“I, Rafe was,” stuttering in shock, “he told me the names of the guards that forming team to guard Andy-Oh SHIT!” Mandy shouted the profanities not caring entire lobby now alarmed she was shouting to her phone. “Where is she!? Where’s Andy!? Her mom? Which mom!? She have mothers!” then she turned to her friends, desperately asking “Mom on London!?”

“Amelia Bones!” Kate shot up to her feet. “The Britain’s Ministry of Magic!” Her left hand flipped open her phone while the blonde racing to the front-desk to grab her bag, “Fred and George!? Get back to the hotel, now! I need you to create me a Portkey straight to Diagon Alley! Just get your asses here!” she snapped her phone shut slammed it on the front-desk and busy unzipping the bag, “C.J. alert Leo and the President!”

“Oh my god, oh god, no, no,” C.J. was trembling but quickly opening her phone and dialing numbers, “Leo, wait! No! Ministry of Magic and Andy is in danger! Yes! At hotel-!” she spun around to the double-door located on the right side of the lobby, it swung open and Secret Services swarmed inside and not ten seconds later the President of United States with his Chief of Staffs and other senior staffs running inside.

“What happen?” Jed demanded aloud. C.J. quickly informed him and he was ready to explode in worry while Mandy offered her phone to him, “Captain! Status!” He demanded louder and cursed loudly once he got debriefed and turn to Leo. “They are inside the Diagon Alley, Leo!” a pause and he shouted, “And Rafael just said he heard several gunshots!”

“No modern gadgets could work there,” Leo grimaced and spun around, “Commander Harper!”

“I’ll go there!” Kate said pulling out several HK-5 from the bag in time Fred and George popped inside the hotel. “What’s in bloody hell goings on?”

“Portkey!” Kate demanded while hurriedly informing them the situation.

“No shit!” Fred rushed into his and his twin’s manager offices that located on the first floor yet on the back of the hotel.

“Here is the Diagon Alley’s map,” George pulled out his wand conjuring a map from thin air, “where’s Andy gone?” hearing the name of the restaurant he cannot stop the smirk though it vanished as he pointed, “Here, and the meeting-place should be here, closest to the Gringotts Bank, a really massive white marble building.”

Fred returned with a battered basket-ball in hands. “Here, take this, someone hold it and others put their hands on top of it or around the ball.” He instructed thrusting the basketball to one of Secret Service’s hands. “It will send you to our Joke-Shop in Diagon Alley. It isn’t far from the Gringotts.”

“Alright.” Kate turned resting her palm on top of the basketball and looked at the twin’s Weasley, “How to activate it?”

“‘I’m a sexy blonde.’” Both said grinning silly as the Commander pressed her lips thinly albeit the twinkling in her dark eyes belied the disapproving look she gave to them, “‘I’m a sexy blonde.’” She said and Kate Harper with six Secret Services disappeared.

“Hot Damn It!” Fred high-fived with George snickering, “I know we could make her saying those words!” then both thrust their hands, palms opens toward Sam, Josh, Toby…and even Leo. “Pay up!” They demanded hooting while the President muttering, “so that is why you all whispering all the time with these two,” turning around he marched back to the door shouting, “I still got three meetings, updated me with the situation every thirty-minutes!” he won Leo’s reply of “Yes, Mr. President.”

“Only you two,” C.J. shook her head, trying to stop the headache, “Only you two could make ‘I’m a sexy blonde’ as a password and all of you betting on it.” Next to her Mandy has a sudden gleam in her eyes; lips stretched lopsidedly forming a devilish smirk no need to be a genius that one Ms. Hampton has a wick idea inside her head and Toby whom pocketing his wallet that now $20 poorer, “and she got an idea to beat your clueless head, C.J.” He muttered under his breath, mentally annoyed of how his friend could be so clueless and in deep denial over her feeling she has for certain blonde Commander. “Brunette.” He snorted and sniffed, “Always in denial.”

Meanwhile, Jo Polyznack staring at them in disbelieve, blinking repeatedly and even rubbing her eyes, “…I’m not dreaming right?” she asked to her senior in the police-force, Olivia Benson who too look like she was in a daze. “…I don’t think so, I never heard more than two people shared same dreams, Jo,” said Olivia then she turned to a blonde attorney that seated on her left side, “You are seeing what we see right, Lex?”

With right palm over her open mouth Alex Cabot could only utter, “Yes Liv, because I see what you see. And I doubted it is some kind of illness.”

“…Blair would be so angry to me…” Jo said casually earning a collective looks from still-in-shock women around her, she shrugged her shoulders, “My Princess always love magical-and-fairytale stories she said its romantic.”

“You are awfully calm in current situation, Detective,” Serena said pointedly.

In return Jo gives her a wolfish smirk, “after having my fate born as a humble-girl colliding with someone in name of Blair Warner, I doubted there are something in life could keep me in a shock-state more than ten minutes, Counselor.”

fic: dwp, pairing miranda/andy, title: question series

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