Title: Total Venus Destination
Focus: Aino Minako/Sailor Venus from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Owner: Trinity (
www.absoludicrous.net/venus You should visit this shrine because...: There are so few truly "classic" Sailor Moon shrines left on the web. Most gems that once provided hours of entertainment are long since gone. Not Trinity's "Total Venus Destination". Still online (albeit in an archive-style format) after close to a decade of serving the community, "TVD" continues to house compelling content for those intrigued by the warrior of Venus. Designed with simple beauty and easy navigation in mind, "TVD" is a treasure trove of meaningful content.
The written articles are an absolute delight and range from covering the very basic facets of Minako's character right through to the more speculative areas (comparative articles, romantic pursuits). This is truly a comprehensible dedication - and not just in its written content! The multimedia section is massive and it houses a true variety of downloadable goodies. There are also additional site elements (such quizzes, fan works and polls) that add to the overall "TVD" experience. Hopefully a whole new generation of visitors can garner both enjoyment and inspiration from this wonderful shrine.
Highlight: "Entity" cannot be beaten in its lucidity and relevance.