Title: Han Tsuki
Focus: Izayoi from InuYasha
Owner: Neko
www.shinidamachuu.net/izayoi You should visit this shrine because...: InuYasha is popular series but it's somewhat difficult to find fleshed-out shrines dedicated to members of the supporting cast. "Han Tsuki" is an exceptional site which successfully attempts to explore the character of InuYasha's mother, Izayoi. Although this shrine focuses on an incredibly minor character in the InuYasha canon, it is rich in both information and reasoning. The webmistress (Neko) takes care to break down all facets of Izayoi's portrayal in anime, manga and movie canon. The articles here make for compelling reading. And while I was very impressed by the written content at "Han Tsuki", I also enjoyed the multimedia section which is full of screen captures, doujinshi scans, avatars and cosplay pictures. This is a well-structured, valuable resource for InuYasha fans and a site I don't hesitate in recommending to others.
Highlight: "Realm" explores the era in which InuYasha is set and its relation to Izayoi as a character.