Title: Sadame
Focus: Ichinomiya Kantarou from Tactics
Owner: Rykea (
http://sadame.fake-wings.net You should visit this shrine because...: Kantarou might seem like a simple and generic character, but he isn't, and
rykea does a great job digging into this character. Although not an extremely large shrine, Sadame is succinct and to the point. Everything you need to know about Kantarou is described and carefully analyzed here. Tactics isn't as mainstream and popular as some other series, but Sadame really makes you want to watch and read this series.
Highlight: I'd have to say the Personality and Personas section. It gives a really in-depth analysis of Kantarou from different perspectives. The Relationships portion is also a great destination. It tells you a lot about what goes on in the series if you don't have access to the anime or manga.