Title: Don't Fear The Reaper
Focus: Kurosaki Ichigo from Bleach
Owner: Nao (
www.losstarot.net/ichigo You should visit this shrine because...: A spirited dedication with detailed content and a decidedly tongue-in-cheek approach, "Don't Fear The Reaper" examines Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach's unlikely hero.) Far too many Bleach shrines out there are either content-impaired or suffering from a terminal case of puritanical dreariness. "Don't Fear The Reaper" is the antithesis of such sites- a fun, educational experience for both new and old fans alike. Nao approaches her content with both information and entertainment in mind so every section delivers facts mixed with humorous insights. The layout is crisp and easy on the eyes. The multimedia is lacking but thankfully the articles compensate for this immensely. If you're after a Bleach shrine that delivers, try visiting "Don't Fear The Reaper".
Highlight: "Romance" because, well... read it for yourself.