Title: Sotto Voce
Focus: Vergil from the Devil May Cry series
Owner: Chloé (
www.flora-fleur.net/vergil You should visit this shrine because...: An intelligent and well-researched dedication, "Sotto Voce" expands on Vergil beyond the typical "HE'S THE HOT ANTAGONIST FROM 3 RIGHT?". Here the webmistress (Chloé) exposes the richness of Vergil's characterization, his misguided motivations and his purpose in the series universe. It's all delicious food for thought, packaged in stylish graphics and with an expansive media section. I'd say more but the wealth of content really speaks for itself.
Highlight: The "Symbolism and References" sub-section is one of many highlights "Sotto Voce" has to offer. Brush up on the various references in DMC3 or learn something new!