Jul 07, 2004 05:26
Wow, the first 4 names I tried for the new LJ handle (in-game character names that I did not "borrow" or steal from anywhere) were taken. >< At any rate, this will end up being the FFXI side of my life.
I'm so shocked, yet happy, when I come across people that actually KNOW what they're talking about in the game. And that know what they're doing, or aren't afraid to try something new. Like the time when we couldn't find another two people to level with in Crawlers' Nest one night and just chained VT-IT Doom Scorpions with four people (me, RDM; PLD, DRG, BLM) til some jerkoff NIN trained soldier+worker crawlers and another doom scorpion to us and Mijin Gakure'd. Idiot. Thankfully, PLD 2houred and BLM escaped, so we lived. PLD did a GM call, but I don't think the guy was banned or anything, really. Ran back in and had to yell at a group for a good couple of minutes to move, since they were RIGHT in the way of the train coming back out. Got to love how much people listen; yeesh. Anyway.
There's also the occasional insanely nice person that comes along. For instance: Leveling my new character on a new server, a PLD in full AF comes up to me, /checks me, and then says "Put this on your other hand, it's good for BLM". Hands me a hermit's ring, casts protect 3, and walks off. In the meanwhile, I'm standing there like an idiot after saying thanks wondering when NICE people started existing. They're all too rare. T_T I remember way back when I was a lvl 20-something n00b in Khazam, there was a very nice JP BLM in my party who handed out pineapple juice (I'd never seen it used before) to me and the WHM throughout the few hours we were there. Why? Just to show us why food was good, and why it should be used every chance you get. For those of you leveling lowbie jobs between 8 and 12 or so, use Selbina Milk. It's a cheap regen, but very handy.
As for RDM, I'm really starting to hate random parties. I was in a set for awhile, but the PLD (who was uber ; ;) went RNG and now we have no tank. I recently helped out someone I knew get BLMAF2 keys in Castle Zvahl Baileys, and had to chainspell+Warp back to Jeuno after catching aggro from a SMN demon while looking for the entrance to the Keep. Those things hit HARD. ><;; Zoned with ~100hp remaining. Went on to party with a couple of people from that group; the PLD was great at hateholding, and we picked up a DRK that *gasp* I didn't hate from the start! However, the tarutaru BLM was a moron and would cast Freeze EVERY SINGLE FIGHT. In addition to that, he chaincasted II spells. And expected ME to keep HIS mp FULL! -_- He wasn't even really wearing decent gear for INT and MP; just his tarutaru RSE and such. On top of that, I was main healer even WITH the whm/smn taru there (who also wanted refresh...for some unknown reason, since they certainly weren't denting their MP very much at all), and actually managed to not let people die while enfeebling+dispelling (though the paladin got close a couple of times =/). Amazingly enough, I managed to hit the enfeebles within seconds after they wore. Healing and enfeebling I'm able to do. Even light nuking. Refreshes here and there, okay. But honestly, I cannot MAIN heal AND enfeeble AND keep EVERYONE refreshed whether or not they need it. Debating just farming til I have the gear list I want by 60, and soloing the way to there. That'll take ages, though; the list isn't short. About the only thing I won't solo for are the coffers, keys, and DarkSpark. Problem there is, I'll be completely unused to partying with other people, and I may not be able to get into Dynamis-areas and HNM fights for lack of reputation and practice. =/
SMN....I really should get to finishing the last three fights. I figure I'll do that when I come back in a week.
BST...Coupled with RDM, the job I'll solo/duo as and the job that will most likely cost me the most yet. At least I enjoy it; I've actually had fun putting together lists and such for this job. I look forward to BCNMs and such with Beastmaster. ^^
I had planned to take BLM to 20, then WHM to 40, then BRD to whatever-high-level on Fenrir. However, one of my boyfriend's coworkers suddenly realized that I was leveling BLM and demanded that I join their static. oO So I accepted, and now that I'm going to already be a week behind due to out-of-state vacation, I have to somehow find money for gear and spells. I probably COULD slip by under the excuse of "cheap n00bism" since all the ways I get money as RDM are impossible as a lowbie BLM/nosub, but I already can't stand OTHER people with bad subs, bad gear, etc. Going to have to power Bard to 40 and go BCNM crazy; hope for good drops and money so I can keep BLM up-to-date. I don't want to fall even more behind. ; ;