I'm not gonna be able to finish NaNo. I have finals like next week and should work on those instead of my novel. (T-T) I'm going to continue the plot though. Because I like it still.
Umm, have a meme? (Which is among the things that I should not be doing right now, I have essays to finish.)
"One True Pairing" ship : Nita/Kit forever. (From Young Wizards.) They are in so, so many ways, totally meant for each other. And everyone knows that they are OTP. And umm yeah. I’mma go write fic about them making out now.
"One True Threesome" ship : Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura. From Naruto obviously. Umm because they are sexy and fraught and I love them forever and they should just have sexytiemz together forever and ever.
"Canon" ship : Miroku/Sango. They were probably my first OTP (well, if you don’t count all of that shipping that I did when I was young) and my favorite, and I love them forever. Like a lot. Sango is awesome, and Miroku is awesome, and they complete each other really well, and all of their interactions are really sweet, and they’re always sacrificing for one another… it’s beautiful.
"Not quite canon but should be" ship : Isida/Orihime, of Bleach. Because the dude’s got a humongous canon-crush on her, which she cannot see. But they would be ridiculously cute together. Liiike, a whole lot. And they would be good for each other.
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship : Err… possibly Ichigo/Orihime? I’m not really into dismissing ships, but, as IchiOri is currently canonically written, I can’t really get behind it when the relationship is greatly unhealthy for her. Plus, umm, Ishida is a bundle of valiant awesome and just what Orihime needs, and Ichigo is a bit busy having eyesex with Rukia.
"You are one sick bastard" ship : Err, probably Itachi/Sasuke. I realize that the ship’s intent is to be about one serious fucked up relationship, but … the incest piled on top of abuse and attempted murder is just too squicky.
"I'm one sick bastard" ship : Ran/Conan, with, y’know, Conan as a kid. (Helloooo, pedobear~!) Except that it’s kind of ridiculously hot. And umm, Shinichi is Ransexual and Ran is Shinichisexual, so it should not really be a problem at all. Also probably Hikaru/Mansairaku (from Otogizoushi) because it is Sociopath/Good Girl in its purest form. But umm they are hot and awesome.
"I dabble a little" ship : Spock/Uhura. Mostly because I don’t know the fandom very well (like at all??!!) so I only write it when a prompt shows up on comment_fic. But they make a great pair and I love them.
"It's like a car crash" ship : Light/Misa? I mean, Light/Anybody = kind of a car crash. But then you add in Misa’s own issues, and it’s kind of a ship that is doomed to fail. (And ohhhh, did it fail.) But I was into it while it lasted? Idek.
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" ship : Err… the one that comes to mind is Kirk/McCoy? Mostly because, well, I don’t know the fandom all that well, and I also ship Kirk with Gaila like a little bit. But they acted really boyfriendy in the movie, and also mirror the narrative structure of Spock/Uhura, so, uhh, yeah.
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" ship : Snape/Sinistra! No, really. Snape and the astronomy professor who never figures into a single scene in the books. Go read
Lamentations of a Starry Eyed Twit. It will convert you, I promise!
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" ship : Hahaa, this one is hard, because I’m not into dismissing ships. I think I’m gonna have to go with Itachi/Anybody for this. Except for His Unnamed Girlfriend (umm because Itachi/HUG is the best ship ever??!!), but then I only ship then with her already dead so that he can angst about it. Otherwise, umm, no. (Oh, and also,
White Rain kiiinddaaa changed my perspective on this one. But not entirely! Still, umm, it’s the very best Itachi/OC ever.)
"When all is said and done" ship : Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang. Because they’re not gonna makeout until the work is done for the day. (Well, Roy might want to, but Riza won’t let them.) But after the journey’s over, well, no promises.
"Guilty pleasure" ship : Aro/Sulpicia, probably. Guilty pleasure because of the fandom (ohhh, Twilight, continue to be like none other!) but also because Sulpicia has no character except the one in my head. That said, in headcanon she is a wealthy aristocrat who’s into politics and power and being sexy and using that to get what she wants, and what she wanted was Aro, so she got him.
"I can't believe I read it and liked it" ship : Umm… Nita/Ed? Because, uhh, yeah… pairing a girl transformed into a whale with a shark. Suuuuchhh craaaaccckkkk. Not to mention the he was gonna eat her thing. But umm, I still kind of shipped them like a little bit?
"Favorite 'Older/Younger'" ship : Probably Haibara/Ayumi (older in mind at least, if not in body.) From Detective Conan
"My first I could never abandon you" ship : I have had a lot of these over the years. (Normally, I abandoned the show before I did the ship, oh self whaaaat?) My current would probably be Sasuke/Sakura. I have written extensive meta over why I can never abandon it, even if it is an unhealthy relationship (for me.). I guess I just have to accept that Kishimoto is my abusive-boyfriend mangaka.
Favorite "Never-met" ship : Haibara/Akai. They have never talked in canon. In fact, Akai makes a point of not talking to her. But they would bond over angst and hating the Black Organization and their smartness. It’d totally work.
Favorite "Pervy" ship : Hakuba/Akako. Umm yeah. They are both sexy, and they would have a sexy relationship. My pairing theme-song for them is Livin La Vida Loca. That should tell you something.
So, yes, that is my pairing breakdown. Which is by no means the complete list of all of my pairings (that list is quite long) or all of the things I am fannish about. Mostly they're from fandoms I kindasorta participate in because I have a lot of fandoms where I don't participate.
Uhh, hope you have fun? This is perfectly gankable!