So I decided to make a new livejournal, because what's school without something like a livejournal to distract you from EVERYTHING homework-related? And I got sick of my old one but I needed something to do with the TONS of pictures I have from summer.
Just a warning: read this when you have time, or in doses.. it's pretty long.
But here's an
ode to Summer 2006.
It started off with a bang at Live Oak (wait, was that really this summer?!), but here are the two pictures I took there.
dancing with the hippies & the 8-year-old who was in love with me?
Wow it's pretty sad that those are the only ones I have, considering how picture-worthy Live Oak really was.
So after that came the time when I was trying to jam-pack every bit of time before Thailand with hanging out with you guys.
It started with beach trips and car wars.
I really like how you can see how Deborah just stuck that pad on Solina's car.
But I guess karma's a bitch.
HAHHAHAHAHA remember these??
even though this picture's blurry I think you get the point.
And, uh, what happened to skid marks?!
I'm pretty sure it's agreed that they're the cutest couple.
and then there was this place
but maybe I'll get around to that in another entry.
August was reallly fun, even if I did feel a little rushed. It's all a blur now so I'm just gonna throw in all the pictures I have from then.
First there was Mexico..
where my sister became a thug.
OH and I don't know if I told anyone but Kira and I unofficially created the Skid Marks' spinoff:
The Razor Burns!!
don't mess.
hahaha I don't know.
my god I love you.
I'm almost caught up! I'm on #5 now..
Then there was RHCP!!
and then hanging out until 4 AM with these fools,
and this, for Paul :)
Sea World with Sol and mi familia (sorry Sol I stole your picture)
AHHH that was so exciting!!
haha I should have a photo entry just for that day
Dodger Game!! in the nosebleed section:
At the beach/bonfire/impromptu car wash (thanks for that, guys :) )
wrestling match!
hahah I'm sorry guys, but these 2 model pictures failed.
hello, Erin the MODEL in that 2nd one.
Goodbye, Summer. You will be sorely missed.
Although not tooo sorely, because we'll still manage to have a BLAST this year, as the first day of school has already demonstrated..
era of trust?
ATTENTION: This was the result of the "shaky face stuff", invented by Mitchell Arvanites, crucial member of 5th period beginning-of-the-alphabet study hall (though not pictured).
wow. Can you tell I don't want to study for Bio?