Yeah, totally. Awards ceremony tonight and somehow I managed to get the Departmental Award in both English and French. And the Caroline did say, "World Taekwondo Federation?!" (J/K) But surriously, oh. my. dog. Dunno how I got either of those, really. And I discovered that as far as ranks go, there are two, yes, count them two number five's:
- Myself
- Gayle Evasco
How that happened, I donne know either. But, hey, I guess if big brother says there can be two fives in a ranked numerical series, darn tootin' sassafras there can be. (<-sarcasm) Levitation in the house tonight. W000000000...
Anyway. Ummm... yeah. Shout out to all my '06 peeps... oh yeah, and those few others who mysteriously and magically showed up, too. But negative props to the woman who gave the Brian and I a weird look after he picked me up and spun me around and she just *happened* to get in the way. Yea verily, negative props to her. Though... I have no clue who she is... or why I'm even writing this. Okay, knight knight time for the Caroline.