aka yuki

Oct 02, 2005 22:03

The fall comes. Hardly feels like it in this foreign land. I saw small child running down the sidewalks of colonial just when the sun went down. My memory takes me back one night at winter festival in Yokote, Japan. I remember yuki- er snow.
All the kids every year build snow huts and shrines to the number of winter spirits. That night I remember looking at the number of huts on top of the rolling hills of snow. the soft glow of the candle lights filled each hut with warm light. I always would ware a white kimono of some sort to match the season. I had my hair white that year, out of boredom.
One by one they would go home as night grew. Running off through the snow to their families, some laughing as they ran. Laughter echoing softly through out the cold lonely night. And then they disappeared in the distance as they head toward town. A few children in the outer huts stayed behind.
I remember the crunch of snow beneath my feet as I walk slowly toward the huts. Wind wisping through my long white hair. A few of the kids huddled around the warm glow of the candles in one hut. One small child must of heard me as she looked outside. I remember her curious expression as she looked around. she saw me in the distance on a hill overlooking the little village of glowing snow huts. The cold wind blew against my body carring with it a few snow flakes. I stoped and looked up in the lonely, dark clouded sky and closed my eyes. A snowflake light on my cheak, but it did not melt. The warmth of life had left my body many years ago.
A soft noise came from the snow huts. I remember the excited expression as the girl suddenly started running, down the little hill where the huts were and up again... towards me! I took a step back in supprise. I didnt expect this. I was releaved when the girl stopped midway up the hill where I was standing. I looked down at her and She looked at me with a courious look. She must have thought I was interesting, as interesting as that of a snow creature for she pointed at me with that little mitted finger of hers and she mumbled the word yuki-yasha, snow demon. I remained motionless except for the wind that blew past us both, gently pulling at my kimono and hair.
The little girl, not even 6 years of age in appearance, stopped pointing when she realized I wasnt going to respond. She began to shout greeting to me, still smiling. I was still puzzled and amazed at the moment to the girls courage running up to a "snow demon" as if we were the best of friends.
I remember thinking to myself what a fine snack this was. How often does one find their meal running towards them? I could prey apon her any moment I pleased. It would be more fun just to see what would come of this. How many were still in the huts? 5, 6? I let a smile come across my face as I thought of this, still watching the girl as she danced in the snow in front of me waving, trying to get my attention, some agknolagement of her simple existence before my presence.
Something about that night excited me, something that I would never forget. I remember closing my eyes, the little girl danced in the back of my mind as I focused on my new found excitement. A heart beat later, a tiny scream cut short in the night, I found her in my arms, my long kimono sleeves engulfing over her little body. A small arm hung limp attached to a warm body. A few drops of blood melted the snow below her lifeless body right beside a small toy she must of dropped, some sort of toy bear.
"..heh...baka..." echoed throughout my mind. Her lifeless body dropped in the snow as I stepped over it, wiping my mouth with my sleeve, walking quietly towards the little snow huts where the 5 remaining children were.
I remember the sound my katana made as it slashed through both blood, bone and ice. In the paper the next night it read how the huts were found that morning blood covering the insides and the remains of 6 young kids found but not recognizable. the town tossed it up to be a pack of wild dogs. And through out the following winters, the huts were made closer to the town with some supervision.
I remembered that night well as I watched the sun light fade away from the alleyway to where I was hiding in the shadows. A small limp arm fell away from a lifeless body in my arms. A few small drops of blood fell to the sidewalk below his little body, beside a small toy he must of dropped when his scream cut short.
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