Drabble for December 23rd

Dec 25, 2007 23:54

A belated birthday drabble for laurelote... I had no idea it was your birthday!! I feel rather guilty, but I haven't been online for the past few days, so I seem to have missed it.

At any rate, I managed to include both Rangers and Beregond in this one. :)

Happy birthday, laurelote!! Many happy returns!! *hug*

Title: The New Captain
Characters: Beregond, Faramir, Rangers
Rating: G
Warnings: None whatever.

Faramir accompanied Beregond to the gates of Minas Tirith, on the morning of his departure. They bade each other fond farewells, and Faramir even embraced his new Captain, in the sight of all the City. The show of affection was unprecedented for one such as he, and Beregond was deeply moved.

But he was no less moved by the Rangers standing at Faramir’s side, who showed their respect by saluting him. Their action showed that the remarkably close-knit company had accepted him as their new Captain, setting aside his secret fears about possible resentment.

Perhaps this honour was not misplaced.

advent, fanfiction

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