Drabble for December 21st

Dec 25, 2007 23:41

So I fell a little behind on the drabbles, etc. at the end. It's been very hectic... TONS of cooking (two hams, a turkey, pork roasts, meatloaf, beans, carrots x2, celery, radishes, oatmeal raisin cookies), gift wrapping, and visiting nearly every day. Actually, every day.

So the Christmas ficlet will have to be posted on Boxing Day. It's nearly complete, but I don't feel like staying up until the cows come home tonight to finish it.

But I do have four drabbles to post!!

Title: Those We Remember
Characters: Faramir, Eowyn
Rating: PG
Warnings: None whatever.

He misses them the most on holidays.

He hangs their decorations in places of prominence; he eats their favourite special meals; he retells stories they used to tell together to guests.

She misses them too, and she does the same things he does. Together, he and she share a house that is full of old memories of them, even though the house is new.

And there are new memories too - visits from dear friends, new traditions for each holiday, happy times with the children. The children are different, but their antics are not.

In that he and she find comfort.

advent, fanfiction

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