This one's for
colonelduckie - hope this is what you meant!!
Title: The Race
Characters: ummm... don't want to give it away, but they're all canon, so be not afraid of OCs, if they bother you. Also, remember it's me. :)
Rating: PG
Warnings: None whatever.
Steeds crafted not of flesh and blood, but of wood and iron.
Riders kicking the flanks with their heels, urging on their mounts.
Great hills surround and cross the track, curving into steep banks and jagged ground.
The race is on, and the hearts of all contestants beat faster and faster as they hurtle along the course.
Suddenly the King’s mount pulls ahead and he cries out triumphantly, for he has almost won - until he is unseated by uneven terrain, and thrown unceremoniously with his son into a snow bank. They must watch as Faramir and Elboron sled to victory.
As you can see, this is something of a sequel to December 12th's drabble for
lindahoyland, "Winter Pastimes."