PoT 358 - First Impressions

Sep 20, 2007 23:29

Well, this week’s reactions aren’t exactly initial - I read a few message boards before actually seeing the chapter, and it’s been a few days since I read it anyway. It was…not my most favorite chapter.

For one thing, it was crazily bloody. Blood doesn’t make me too squicky or anything, but - honestly - being hit repeatedly by a tennis ball would not make you bleed all over the place. Are tennis balls sharp? Nope. You’d get bruised black and blue, yes, and wouldn’t look particularly pretty, but gush blood? Not likely. Unless you were hit in the nose and mouth.

Concerning the blood, why in the world is Inui even still on the court? Now, I know we’re in fantasy Prince of Tennis land, but wouldn’t a ref call Kirihara on his repeated attacks by now? Wouldn’t there be some crazy angry parents in the stands?

But anyway - I wasn’t particularly surprised that Kirihara went into the devil mode, although I’d like to see if Yanagi is still retaining any control over him or not. Can’t remember if we got Yanagi’s reaction to all of this or not - I don’t think he’d be particularly pleased about the attacks on Inui, even if the two aren’t on the best of terms.

As for Kaidou’s devil mode…I think any element of surprise was ruined when that boy pulled out the crazily improved version of the Laser Beam. Although…he makes a nicer looking demon than Akaya, in all honesty. Glad that he was displeased with Akaya’s attacks on Inui - Akaya has never played nice or by the rules, so that didn’t bother me in particular. And glad that Kaidou was pulled out of devil mode - one begrudged point to him for that.

But now what? Is Inui done for it, or is this game going to continue on even longer? Hey, Konomi-sensei, what are you doing?! We only have so many chapters left and I want some more good matches after this one!!

I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and it seems like this manga is going to end a bit cruddily no matter what. If we get three more matches, there will still be the suspense element (which I love), but the matches are going to be all horribly rushed. If we only get one more match, it means a Rikkai Nationals win (yay!!), but it also means no suspense (since it’s the last match - judging by the limited number of chapters left) and we won’t get to see everyone play.

All said and done, I want more chapters, even if I can’t have them.

And I would really like a little more back story on Ryoma’s amnesia, some Yukimura flashbacks, and more Rikkai in general.


inui, kirihara, 358, prince of tennis

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