1st Post in Australia

Sep 16, 2008 23:18

Settling in to my new home in Australia. Don't have any internet yet so Im stealing someone's wifi :(

First off, I love it here! LOVE IT! It's such a gorgeous country, and the pride for the people here in their country is very refreshing. Everything in the stores is "Australian Made" if it's not it's generally left on the shelf. Being the questioning person I am I had to ask why that was and its to help keep the australian people employed and support people with their jobs here. Sounds like a damn good reason to me.

Anyway I have been here for a little under a month and I have my brand new Driver's license which makes me want to cry because I hate the picture so much, its the worst picture of me ever and I don't like having to show it to anyone, my hair was pulled back in a mess and I look like a boy.

Justin is the love of my life and I can't wait to get married to him in January, although he is the laziest person I have ever met he is still good to me, and his family is absolutely brilliant.

I love our car:

I haven't taken pictures of the house yet or the beach but I will over the weekend.

It's great here. All I need to do now is find a job and I will be happy and set. I think I will like my life here :D

I had a nasty run in with one of these ><

*link removed*

Panic attack quickly followed :*( I cried a lot. But I will leave that story for another time. I'm getting tired.
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