Jan 28, 2006 22:13
The question angers Aragorn. He cannot abide people who keep harping again and again on the same thing.
Didn't they question him only a few months ago on something very similar, on when in his life he felt the most alone ? Now they want to know when he did realize he was not alone. Aren't the two facets of one same thing?
He sighs, discouraged, wondering why he keeps answering when each time it gets harder, not because he doesn't want to answer, but because the questions seem to repeat themselves, providing no inspiration.
When he sits down to write his answer, he almost feels like he's a child again, his mother at his side teaching him to write and checking his efforts.
Someone one day promised to me that I would never be alone again. That day I knew I was not alone... Truth is that deep inside, I knew that even before he spoke those words.