I love the "Quarantined" universe, where you will find hobbit hospitality and hurt Rangers (hooray!). The latest is:
"A Hobbity Halloween" by
shireboundA teensy bit o' hobbity Halloween fluff from the "Quarantined" universe, featuring Aragorn, Frodo, and wee!Pippin. Aragorn visits Bag End just in time for Halloween.
Warning: No one can resist toddler!Pippin. I so wish someone would illustrate Frodo, Pippin, and Scamp in costume!
on Stories of Arda
http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=4169 Handy links to all of
shirebound’s lovely stories are on her webpage
http://www.shirebound.tolkienshire.com And the continuing saga of Elladan, son of Elrond, in Rivendell 9 to 5:
Elladan at home for Halloween in "Government Job Log"
Elladan’s Page of Stuff on Elf Fetish